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Annoying Tales (8) - III
Bob Choi
 8. The Devil’s Diary (Continued)


Day Three:If Not for This Sin, None of You Would be Here

I repeat: if not for this Sin, none of you would be here today.  In deed, none of you would have been born!  That’s right, you’ve guessed correctly, I’m referring to one of the most prevailing, most talked about and documented sins of all times, the “numero uno” on my list of favorite sins: LUST!  No matter how the moralists would like to vilify it, lust is simply the desire to mate.  It is a natural desire of healthy men and women.   While it manifests itself overtly in the former gender, it usually lurks below the surface in the latter. 

It is because of this natural desire to mate that Homo Erectus (note emphasis on “Erectus”) has become one of the dominant species on earth today.  Pandas, take for instance, are not known for their libido, and they would have become extinct a long time ago if the Chinese had not come to their rescue, to give them a leg-up so to speak.  If the moralists continue to launch their lame charges against LUST and maintain their silly notion that it is immoral for people to want to mate, one of these days, I think I will turn them all into pandas, and leave them in the hands of the Chinese.  If I don’t do this, GOD will!  After all, it was GOD who told Adam and Eve and all his creatures to multiply and replenish the earth.  Whereas plants can reproduce asexually, animals reproduce through mating.  Thus, the desire to mate (“LUST”) is the desire to follow a direct order from GOD, and lustful men and women through their hard work and dedication are fulfilling a divine objective.

I could have stopped here while I am ahead, but I am mindful that there are those among you who are the airy type (“academic, intellectual, religious type”) and have built their career on semantic hair-splitting.  I should prepare a response to them.  They would argue that while people should mate, they don’t have to like it so much.  In other words, people should do it out of a sense of duty (to GOD) and not as a source of pleasure.  You should do it, but you cannot enjoy it!  If you enjoy it (especially if you enjoy it a lot), then it is a sin.  I cannot tell you how much damage this sort of reasoning has caused to the human psyche: the suppression, self-denial and sense of guilt that have plagued men and women through the ages.  It is amazing how you all have managed to survive despite this nonsensical onslaught.  I would like to state for the records that it is never a sin just because you enjoy doing what you do.  In fact, if it is something you should do, then you might as well enjoy it.  Pleasure is not sinful, neither is abstinence holy, necessarily. 

Some of you might wish that somebody had come along sometime ago and told you what I have just said.  I hope this is not too late for you and that you can still make up for all the fun that you have passed up for fear that it was a sinful thing to do.

- To be continued -

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