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Annoying Tales (8) - IV
Bob Choi
 8. The Devil’s Diary (Continued)


Day Four: The Most Admirable Sin of All

This sin (GREED) has always been highly popular among people ever since they learned they could barter.  Even in those days when the concept of money has yet to emerge, people bartered with anything they had.  Hey, I have some extra arrowheads and you’ve got some extra animal skins.  Would you like to trade?  Now with money as the common medium for exchange, people can pretty much buy anything as long as they have enough cash.  Money has become a source of power and influence that is irresistible to most.  In many circles, the success of a man is often measured by how much he makes and the balance in his bank account.  No wonder people would lie, cheat, rob or steal for money, and money has earned a reputation as being the “root of all evil” and greed has become one of the Seven Deadly Sins.  I must say this is grossly unfair. 

Firstly, money is neither good nor evil.  It is simply a way for people to exchange for goods and services.  It can be used for worthy causes as well as evil purposes.  I would argue that money is not the root of all evil, but the lack or absence of money is.  Secondly, if money is not by itself evil, then how can the desire for money be a sin?  Greed is not an innate human trait, it is a learned behavior.  Young children, take for instance, show little desire for money.  All their needs and wants are satisfied through their parents and money holds very little appeals to them.  But sooner than later, they would have learnt the value of money from their parents.  No, Timmy! You can’t have a pair of the new Nike.  You think money grows on trees!   And later on, the concept of money would be reinforced by well-meant advices such as: Timmy, I know you’re interested in history, but what are you going to do with a major in history?  Be smart! Take accounting instead.  Your uncle is a CPA and he’s making a lot of money, living in a nice, big house…

So greed is being systematically taught to every child during its formative years, and by the time the “child” finishes school, it would have been totally convinced that greed is not only good, but a truly admirable trait.  It is generally euphemized as being smart, industrious, practical, hardworking, career-minded, entrepreneurial etc.  We have created a world where money is king and greed is the most admirable sin.

God and I hold different views on many things, but we would agree on this: The day when Adam and Eve departed from Eden and were left to their own devices, they were forced to maintain their livelihood without divine subsidy.  They have to learn to be self-sufficient in short order.  To their credit, they rose to the occasion and adapted very well to the new realities.  Their descendants (YOU!) have continued to flourish at the expense of all other species. Your population has grown so much so that the earth is now feeling the strains.  This is something neither God nor I would have expected.  It appears that driven by your lust and greed (two of the Seven Deadly Sins), you have achieved a status on earth that is far beyond what we have originally intended for you.

- To be continued -
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