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Genesis Revisited
Bob Choi
My day off today. Nothing to do except putting my diabolical mind to task and try to solve arguably the oldest mystery to mankind: according to the Bible, after God created Adam, he was a bit concerned that Adam had no one to play with, so while Adam was sleeping, he sneaked up and took a bone from Adam's body and with that he created Eve...
I don't know about you, but I always take every word in the Bible to be sacred and true, so the question remains: which bone did God take from Adam? That's the mystery I tried to solve. 
God took one piece of bone, not two. Now every bone in the human body comes in pairs, our limbs, our torso and even our skulls are made up of left and right matching parts. If God took only one piece of bone from Adam, where is the remaining bone? I looked up all the books on human anatomy and I spent hours examining my own body and couldn't figure out where that odd, remaining piece of bone is!
Then it suddenly dawned on me. Is it possible that the"bone" in Genesis was actually a pseudo-name... it was not a bone but something that was hard like a bone?  Just imagine God was actually pulling something hard from Adam during his sleep... what could that be ? and what is left remaining?  
You don't need much imagination to imagine that it is most likely Adam's penises. I used the plural form here because logic dictates that Adam must have a pair of penises originally.  God took one to create Eve, and Adam (and all men nowadays) have only only one penis remaining.
This theory might sound far-fetched at first, but give it a chance, it will explain many other questions that have kept us pondering, such as...
1. Some women are strong and powerful and can put up a good fight.  You might say they have more "balls" than some men. Thats because women are made from Adam's penis... of course they have got "balls"!
2. Eve was created from a penis, so she did not have a penis. There was (and still is) a hole where the penis is supposed to be. 
3. Adam missed his second penis, the one God took away. He searched high and low and dug into every hole, trying to recover his missing penis. Men today are still doing pretty much the same routine.  Sad... right?
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