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Is God vegetarian?
Bob Choi
Some of my friends have become vegetarians. They claim that their diets are healthful, superior and far more sensible than those of the meat-eaters. Some even argue that human are meant to be herbivores. Well, this begs the (silly) question: Is God vegetarian (assuming He actually eats!)
If this starts you thinking, ponder no more. The answer was found in Genesis, the story of Cain and Abel...
God accepted Abels offering of lamb chops (my favorite!) and rejected Cains rice pudding. What does that tell you about Gods preferred diet?
God could have accepted both offerings and ate the pudding for dessert... And then Cain would probably have not had killed his brother in a jealous rage... And the Bible and the history of man would have taken a very different course. hmmm... Too bad God is not a vegetarian!
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