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Snow (1)
Tim Fook & Others

Tim Fook     :  This morning, I just shovel the snow on the walkway twice and this is less difficult to do it in one time.

                       According to the groundhog of Canada and its cousin in US, we still have six weeks harsh weather.

                       Helena---you should return in March.


Stella Tse     :  It's been snowing for hours and it is still coming down.  It took us almost 1.5 hours to drive to my

                      Mom's house for a normal 30 minutes drive.  Lots of fender bendrs, especially on the roads with

                      hilly slopes. 

                      Hope our friends in Toronto, Ottawa and NE USA are safe and sound, spring will come!

                      See a few pictures taken at our house just now.



Norman Chiu:  Wow, that is a lot of snow. remind me Buffalo where the snow piled up as high as the street light poles

                       at Niagara Falls blvd.

                       Stay warm and be safe.


Metis Hon    :  Oh dear, that's indeed a lot of snow! Toronto seems to be going through a long severe winter,

                       is this normal?

                       Hope warmer weather is round the corner for all of you in Canada & NE USA. So far we're having

                       a mild but very wet winter.

                       Some villages in the south are still flooded, lots of families have to be evacuated.

                       We had a snowy winter like this in Birmingham in 1986, classes were cancelled and offices were

                       closed as no public transpor were running.

                       Dan and Adrian had three days off school and they had their sledges out everyday.

                      Tremendous fun for the little ones.

                       Keep warm and take care when out.


-To be continued-


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