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Hong Kong People 香港人
Metis Hon & Others

Metis Hon :       A friend from the US sent me the following article. Any thoughts from friends                           in Hong Kong.

                      Hong Kong People 香港人


Stella Tse :        From a distance, I echo what this lady says.  I guess we cannot view everyone in Hong Kong like what this article says, as I think the extremists Pan-democracy camp have created most of the havoc. It's too bad so many people turned to their way.  There is too much negativism & hatred!


Bob Choi :        I am surprised that mingpao declined to print it. it's really nothing new or thought provoking. the pro-china camp has been saying this for years! Politics is interesting in that it's more art than science: we all form our opinions based on emotions and interpret the facts in a way that will support our opinions. They say love is blind... I say religion is faith... And politics is blind faith! This is true for both camps. My opinion is that Hong Kong is the last hope of true democracy for china. We might be small but are steadfast on what we believe. Our days might be numbered, but we will leave clear marks on the future of china... That of course is also blind faith!




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