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Paradox of Our Time (2)
Stella Tse & Others



Bob Choi:     We are all a bit over-defensive these days, arent we? So I am not going to explain or defend what i said about the lack of "comedians" in china. But if you read between the lines, you might get the hunch that I did not mean just the stage comedians but were referring to political dissidents who speak out not because they hate their own country buy because they love it so much they would risk their lives trying to make it better. We might not agree with them, but we should not label them unpatriotic. Thats how the cultural revolution got started! Anyway, I should be careful of what I said from now on. People might take it the wrong way.


I should take your advice and tune in to the state-sponsored CCTV comedy live shows more often. I enjoy a good laugh anytime.



Peter Tsang: Reading your replied e-mail to Dr. Lin, I am deeply impressed. Though the comment from him to you is so straight & serious, your respond is prompt & positive. Nowadays, particularly for us over sixty, it is not at all easy to accept opinion & advice from others. Bob, you are indeed a very humble gentleman & I wish Dr. Lin will have the same feeling with me.


For Dr. Lin, to my understanding, he is a very kind & sincere Chinese who often visit China, offering his contribution in the exchange of idea & professional knowledge between the west & east. Though he is a USA passport holder, his love & respect to China has never ceased. To me, he is always a very patriotic overseas Chinese of which he deserve my highest respect & admiration.


As one of the NMCers, I enjoy reading our dialogues & I really learnt a lot from all of you, both local & overseas. Except short duration of travelling, I have never live nor work overseas. I was born in Hong Kong, educated in Hong Kong & worked here in Hong Kong for my whole life. I am typically a Hong Kong Chinese but same as many overseas Chinese, I love my motherland despite of whichever party governs her.


China has become the top 3 most powerful country in the world & I feel greatest honor & proud of being a Chinese. Certainly there are still plenty of rooms for improvement & I am confident that our younger generation will initiate more power to speed up China’s progress & prosperity.


Looking forward to seeing all our schoolmates in the next gathering. Wishing you all, NMCers, in advance, a very Happy & Joyful Easter !


With greatest sincerity & best regards !



Bob Choi:     Please don’t worry about the friendly exchange between me and Dr. Lin. He and I were schoolmates at four different schools over a period of 7-8 years. We even dated the same girl at college although not at the same time. I know him like the back of my hand and vice versa


                   He might sound dead serious at times, but deep down he is a very funny guy. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was actually coaching some of the live show comedians on CCTV!



Dr. Lin:         Mr. Robert Choi (Carrot Vegetable) was RIGHT on most of what he stated in his reply to Mr. Peter Tsang except that I am absolutely not qualified to coach the comedians in CCTV as they are so good and entertaining very much beyond my own capability.


Believe me! When somebody in Kentucky, USA wanted to beat Bob up in 1971, I was ready to use all the skills Bruce Lee taught me years ago to defend him.



Bob Choi:    Yes, folks, in those days, "Bruce" Lin and "Jacky" Choi were known as the dynamic duo on campus. He defended me against the big bullies who were picking on me and I helped him fight off those lustful ladies who were beating on his door every night...Those were the days, my friends!


Hmmm, I can feel my third book slowly taking shape: "crazy but true stories from college"







- The End -

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