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Hong Kong Too? (1)
Bill Leung & Others

Bill Leung:          #1 SONG IN ENGLAND

This may be the number 1 song in England, but it's an absolute fact of what's going on here and the United States of America.

Wake up America, this is coming THERE

The No. 1 song from the UK.

Bet Parliament loves this!!!




Metis Hon:          I'm appalled by this offensive video! I live in the UK and I have never heard/seen this video before so there's no way it is `England's No. 1 song'! It certainly does not represent the views of most people living in the UK, except fascist BNP members who advocate "voluntary resettlement whereby immigrants and their descendants are afforded the opportunity to return to their lands of ethnic origin".


After a bit of search on Google, it can be confirmed that the song & video is a plagiarized Nazi propaganda produced by an extremist called Nick van Riel who actually lives in Turkey! This guy is an obsessed Islamaphobe and racist whose real agenda is to support Zionism. He has a web track record of expressing extreme right wing views in websites such as Jihad Watch.


The stills of Muslims driving are plagiarized from a documentary about Muslim women bucking "tradition" and learning to drive!


Remember the sad and shocking terrorist attack and mass murder of 69 teenagers in Norway on July 22, 2011 by Anders Behring Breivik? The following bigoted and racist comment was posted by Nick van Riel on the right wing extremist website "Real Americans Defend Israel":


"By subsidizing these Youth Camps - with tax payers money - the Norwegians themselves created the base for growing not so innocent socialistic leaders, So the youngsters killed in this vile attack weren't that innocent at all. THESE YOUNGSTERS WERE IN BED WITH ISLAM ALREADY”


So judge for yourself! Don't be misled by extremists like Nick Van Riel. YouTube has taken down this video on numerous occasions because of the offensive messages generated.



Dominique:       Thanks for your time to bring the background story.



Bill Leung:           I am sorry that this video offend you and for my ignorance in posting this without getting into the facts. As Dominique said, thanks for your time and effort to let us know the background of the video.



Stella Tse:           I can understand your anger. Regretfully, we have way too many people in our world today trying to do harm to people, either through physical aggressions, terrorism, and the kind of propaganda in the video.  It is everywhere, we have to maintain our vigilance and stay level headed. 



Peter Wu:           When the Tigress roars, we better shape up. If I were you, I will cover my backside, dig a hole or make myself transparent.


When she says it’s not England’s No. 1 song, we better take that as gospel. OK. I haven’t heard of that song before, until the Youtube video.


I thought much of what was portrayed in the satirical video has some truth in it, if my daily reading of the tabloid Daily Mail is any indication.


Whether we like it or not, this world has become more and more extreme by the day. I blame it on the advances in information technology which allows much of the trivia, nonsense, sensational,  tasteless, tacky and extremist stuff to be broadcast as it happens (and copied and duplicated later), completely bypassing the mainstream media.


So instead of being sucked in warts and all, I think we should be far more vigilant against propaganda, brain-washing, ‘political’ broadcast, PR exercise and subtle persuasion via Youtube videos such as the one we just saw.


I think we are all old, mature, wise and sensible enough to see these videos as they are – rubbish and time-wasters. I just pity the younger generation who may not be as wise-up, or street-wise.


P.S    I just did my research in Google. That stupid song is definitely not No. 1 in the UK. It is No. 2!



Stella Tse:          Well said Pedro (Peter Wu)!



- To be Continued -

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