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Muslims must tackle the misogyny in their midst | The Times
Metis Hon & Peter Wu


Metis Hon:      I've shared this article from The Times for you to read:

Muslims must tackle the misogyny in their midst

If you have been following UK news like Pedro, you might have heard about the horrendous case of sex grooming & sex abuse by 5 Pakistani men involving more than 1000 young girls in Rotherham, UK. There are indeed some diabolically rotten apples among Muslims, but read this article written by a British Muslim journalist to see what we can learn from the aftermath of this sordid case.


Peter Wu:       A great article providing some in-depth cultural insights and balance as to why those rotten apples did as they did.

I am glad you sent us this but I suspect many more would have missed this altogether so the first impression as portrayed by the first report stays.

I read several UK papers daily, namely the Daily Mail, Guardian and the Independent. I used to read the Financial Times until they restricted it to pay-per-view.

The NY Times did the same but it allows 10 free articles a month so I glance at their headlines daily.

This ISIS thing is becoming quite a concern. Your PM David Cameron openly acknowledges an attack in the UK is highly likely and will step up security.

The US is not doing much. President Obama continues to dither as per usual. A leak from the White House indicates that the US just doesn’t know how to handle the Muslim fundamentalists thing.

The whole Middle East is a mess, almost certainly as a result of US meddling in that region. The dismantling or attempted dismantling of the old regimes like Saddam Hussain, Colonel Gaddafi and Bashar Al-Assad has opened a can of worms like the emergence of ISIS, and stepped up violence.

Seen in this context, the UK, China, Australia and Canada must be seen as safe havens.

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