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Sorrow Day - 9/11
Shirley Hung & Others


Shirley Hung:            Remembering those who lost their lives and those who lost their loved ones on 9/11. I walked to my office this morning fighting hard to stop tears falling down...


Norman Chiu:           Shirley, I was thinking of you, Charles and all those whose life were affected by 9/11. It was a very sad day! Take care!


Stella Tse:                 Dear Shirley and all American friends, I feel your sorrow, and may all the lost souls find peace.


Sue Tang:                  Dear Shirley, Charles and all our American friends, It was a very, very sad day. The shocking images stay deep in our memory and the impact of this day has forever changed the world. We must however stand tall with fearless strength and not to allow the evil to harm further.

Please take care. Thinking of you with love and prayers.


Metis Hon:                Dear Shirley, time is passing but we will never forget 9/11 which changed our world. We will remember every family that lives in grief. We will remember every rescuer who died in honor. We will remember the fire, the ash, the last phone calls and the passing of the little ones. Let's pray for all those who have left us. Let's pray for a better future.

Thinking of you & Charles on this sad day.


Ho Tim Fook:           On that day, I was on the way back to Canada from US after the 4 days package tour. At that time, I was shocked when two days before, i.e 9th Sept., I and Anne were tourist to walk around the Tour Floor of the Tower. What an incidence. My birthday is 8th Sept and it is why I had this tour. 9/11 is always in my mind.

At that time, I have not reunited with Charles and you(Shirley) except Peter.


Wendy Chin:             Dear Shirley, Yes, today is indeed a sad day for our nation 13th anniversary. Remembering those we lost and honoring our heroes. God bless and protect us all.


Bob Choi:                  Except for the Jihad members and their sympathizers, 9/11 is a very sad day indeed! Yet sadder still is the fact that today we are no closer to resolve the conflict between the Islamic fundamentalists and the Christians versus 13 years ago. While the US and other nations have stepped up security and counter-terrorist measures, they have learnt nothing in terms of getting to the roots of the problem. If history teaches us anything at all, it is that if we fail to learn from history, it will repeat soon itself...

So as we grieve over what happened 13 years ago, perhaps it's time we thought hard on the big questions: what lessons should we learn from 9/11? How should people with different cultures, values and ideology share the world in peace? Asking the right questions is the first step in getting the right answers.


Stella Tse:                 That is the question you just asked Bob.  If anyone can find the answer, we will forever be grateful, it needs divine intervention. 

Today I pray for David Haines and his family, the humanitarian worker who just got beheaded by ISIS. Let it be no more.


Peter Wu:                  Just as the US and its allies thought they had extricated themselves from Iraq, recent events instigated by ISIS have sucked them back in. And there is no timeline as to how long they’ll stay being sucked in this time.

According to one source, the progressive beheading of foreign nationals is exactly the ploy to drag the US and its major allies back to the quagmire which is Iraq and Syria. And it has succeeded.

There is no question Al Qaeda is a spent force. But replacing it is one which is far worse. ISIS’ motto ‘either you are with us or we will kill you’ says it all.

In the 13 years since the US took on the Al Qaeda in its war against terrorism, it has spent trillions but achieved little.

While homeland security within the US probably makes it difficult to launch another attack similar in scale to 911, recent events have demonstrated that there are other ways to get back at the US far more cheaply but effectively – just behead more foreign nationals. It can’t be simpler than that.

Looking at events of recent months, I’ve got a sense of Déjà vu. The US really needs to rethink its foreign policy to avoid being forever bogged down by fighting with the Islam fundamentalists.

The global situation which pits the Westerners against Islam (and Islam vs Islam) is best summed up by Pope Francis, who equates the many conflicts spreading around different parts of the world, when added together, as that of World War III.

May be this is exactly what we are seeing – WW III in progress but in a fragmented fashion.

World War II started because people had not learned the lessons of World War I. The pseudo World War III we are seeing may have the seeds sowed during World War II or earlier (the Crusades).

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