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Stella Hung & Others


Shirley Hung:            在金鐘示威的學生就像自己的子女一般,希望不要遭受暴力對待。不要受到傷害。


Ko Chi Hung:            What happened in Central in the afternoon on 28th September made me dumbstruck as the situations have been getting so ugly that it will become more disastrous if both parties (the advocators with their followers to seize (Occupation) Central and the HK SAR Government) have no restraints on their impulses to get the upper hand in this contentious issue, the universal suffrage. Destructive damages are imminent: if protesters' pent up emotions are not appropriately released and they used to be prone to lose control; dewy-eyed students got bogged down in the mud; worse still, PTU 教協 advocated that teachers should go on strike (It isn't very discreet of PTU to take such a ploy pushing teachers into the tempestuous sea; they might fall victims to taking the blame. I guess that's about par for the course. I am no clairvoyant in terms of politics. It is an enigma. Carpetbaggers (they often call themselves "politicians") are shams. Pardon my being acrid in my remarks and my being corny.

Let's pray to the well-being of HK society. Hong Kong people should get to the nitty-gritty, the basic and practical facts of the Identity of HK (It is a special administrative region, not an independent political entity).


Bob Choi:                 "Occupy Central" has now spread to strategic locations (Mongkok, Causeway Bay) making it harder for the authorities to contain. While a Tiananmen style crackdown is unlikely, the situation is edging towards a flash point. If something is not done, before long, there will be blood on the streets. We desperately need a mediator who is trusted by both sides. At the moment, unfortunately, no one qualified appears on the horizon. We can forget about CY as the mediator. He is to a great extent responsible for the polarization of the Hong Kong populace and his legitimacy as our representative has reached sub-zero. What happens in the next few days will be critical. History of Hong Kong is in the making, for better or for worse... Let's keep our fingers crossed.

Meanwhile, would Peter Wu please get on the first flight to Hong Kong? I can't think of a more effective mediator to save us from a major disaster.


Stella Tse:                 You're right Bob, a mediator is what they need, as right now, I don't see how both sides can step down from their high horses.  And I hope this is not turning into another Tiananmen.  


Metis Hon:                Shirley, hope you & your family are keeping well. I feel for the young people in Hong Kong, however I don't support Occupy Central's action, just hope that everybody would calm down and nobody gets hurt. Things are getting out of control.  Very difficult time for HK citizens!

Our brothers & sisters in HK, take care!




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