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Various News Reports on Occupy Central (1)
C.C Lin & Others

C.C Lin:           I read and watched the news and TV reports (US, BBC TVs as well as China Central TVs) on "Occupy Central" from various sources with heavy heart from the US. Having studied the history of China from various sources covering the last 150 years on my own in the US particularly the late Qing Dynasty and the disastrous "Cultural Revolution" of 1966-76 of China, in my humble opinion, there are biased reports from various sides so I studied the news reports from different sides. I strongly believe the study of past history is absolutely important for better understanding of current events.

I came across the following news reports on "Occupy Central" which are worth reading in order for us to make appropriate UNBIASED judgment and more balanced point of view:





Pony Ma:          It appears all three articles are from the same author?


C.C Lin:            Yes, you are right, but the three articles quoted other news sources which are mostly verifiable with photos. Many of the people mentioned in these three articles appeared on BBC and US TVs' report on "Occupy Central" news.


Bob Choi:          Dear C.C, you have apparently read most of the reports on the current situation in Hong Kong. Have you come across anything which might suggest that many of the people who are on the streets demanding true democracy actually do so on their own accord, without any tangible support or benefit from the US or other foreign states?

We appreciate it if you would share some of those with us. History is not my favorite subject, but I remember reading about Dr. Sun Yat Sen receiving support from overseas Chinese and foreign organizations in his quest to overturn the Qing Dynasty. So, ironically, if not for foreign support, China might still be ruled by Manchus!


- To Be Continued -

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