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Various News Reports on Occupy Central (2)
C.C Lin & Others

C.C Lin:            Dear Bob, as you are my long-time friend having in the same school four times, I do not want to argue with you and always respect your own point of view.

However, in this case "I AGREE TO DISAGREE WITH YOU" again which is "true democracy". Sun and his Chinese followers overthrown the badly failed Qing government in 1911 which was supported by oversea Chinese but NOT by foreign government and definitely NOT in the same context as the "Occupy Central". In fact, most foreign governments preferred to take full advantage of the weak Qing government so they can continue to reap self-benefit from that. "Occupy Central" which badly disrupt the live of the Hong Kong people and severely damaged the economy of Hong Kong, is clearly "ILLEGAL". 

As you may recall, I was a "political refugee" and I "escaped" to Hong Kong from the mainland with almost nothing in the late 1950s.

Since 1985, I took at least one trip to mainland China on business every year and witnessed the dramatic transformation of mainland China. I was on a business trip to Beijing with 2 US company senior executives (one was born in Hungary and the other born in East Germany) in May 1989 and stayed at Beijing Hotel just east of the "Forbidden City" within sight of the Square. 

Witnessing the chaotic situation both in Shanghai and Beijing at that time, we immediately cut short our business trip and subsequently suspended our China business operations for 9 months until the situation in China has been stabilized. At that time the Chinese economic condition was still very poor and industrial as well as agricultural productivity was very low as a result of the continuing aftereffect of the 10 years of the chaotic "Cultural Revolution" which China officially declared as an "ERROR". If the chaotic condition would continue to this day, the condition in China would be extremely bad and conceivably turning it into a "Stone Age" country.

I spent a lot of time in mainland China during the past 3 years. While there are still problems in the mainland such as corruption which dates back thousands of years in China, the conditions (particularly economic, industrial and business productivity, education as well as living standard) has improved dramatically comparing to 1985.  The current leadership has been taking action to resolve the age-old corruption problem which would take time. I have been able to have frank discussions on all types of issues with the mainlanders. They are capable of visiting and even immigrating to other countries. Today, many westerners are working in mainland China, including at least 5 western Nobel Prize winners (one Physiology & Medicine winner from Stanford and another from Yale) as Directors of major research institutes.  Most people are happy in mainland China including over 60 of the graduate students I taught and closely interact with even after they graduated. Many of them are quite unhappy with the current "chaotic" condition in Hong Kong as they get the news.

Hong Kong is part of China. American style "democracy" may not be appropriate for China as whole. In recent years, the US government has been crippled many times by the irrational political in-fighting between the Democrat and Republican Parties.

I taught more than 10 Master degree graduate students from HKU, CUHK, Poly U and City U in recent years on the "Industrial Biotechnology Summer Internship Program". I found these Hong Kong students were not as diligent and eager to learn as comparable graduate students from the mainland. I also found they generally lack proper understanding of being the citizen of China's Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong and generally ignorant of the history of China whereas the mainland Chinese students have adequate citizenship education which is nothing like the political indoctrination of the bad old days.

In my humble opinion, proper integration of Hong Kong (like that of Macau which apparently occurs rather smoothly) as a Special Administrative Region of China in the context of "One Country, Two Systems" is good for both Hong Kong and the mainland. Today's China is truly a growing major economy in this world and no foreign country can slow down the continuing development of China. Given time, China as a whole would be more "democratic" in the context of the condition in China.  Like that of the very unfortunate tragic event of June 1989 in the mainland which I personally witnessed a part of it on site, chaotic condition in Hong Kong (whether or not supported by foreign government) is counter-productive to the achievement of such objective for China.

Bob, it is nothing personal!

                        The following is news report entitled "新加坡外長:西方佔中報道帶成見" published in the Hong Kong newspaper October 5th, 2014 which is apparently similar to my point of view in my last email of yesterday (US time). When Singapore was forced out of the Malaysia Federation in 1965, then Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew (father of the current Prime Minister 李顯龍) faced tremendous challenges with iron hands. He successfully resolved the challenges (Please refer to Attachment I)


- To be Continued -



Attachment I






















視美國蘇聯為前車之鑒 中國短期內不啟動重大政治變革







「所以,中國中央政府會用這樣的方式來處理香港的事務,它不能讓香港改變中國大陸本身的政治制度。中央在香港允 許什麼,都可能對大陸其他地方產生衝擊。因此,中央領導將非常小心,不大可能向示威者的要求妥協。從中國領導人的角度看,向這些要求妥協,可能影響中國整 體的穩定。「我覺得他們的這些觀點是完全可以理解的。」

Source:  http://paper.wenweipo.com/2014/10/05/YO1410050008.htm



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