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給黎景棠的信: Your Overseas Travel
Peter Wu


For as long as I can remember, you have been doing many overseas travel – both to far-away places and some not too far from your home base.

What’s remarkable about your travel is yours sharing of the very best of your travel photos. Although there is no a chance in hell I will go to those places you have been to, it nevertheless opens my eyes to the beauty of those places, and your skill as a photographer.

Taking photos at a foreign location is not as easy as snap and go because, as you had already told us about Tibet, some locals demand payments (with menace) for you taking a photo of them so you need to keep your wits with you at all times.

Now that your collection of travel photos must be piling up, why don’t you compile a ‘best of the best’ album about your travel photos, with some commentaries on their high and low-lights, what’s distinctive and memorable about them, and what is amusing too – inadvertently or otherwise.

I like going to places which have yet to be fully commercialised, or trampled to death by the ‘culture vultures’. Myanmar is one of those places. I believe there are still many places which remain hidden and yet to be fully explored.

Maybe you should be the first among us to be the real intrepid traveller to those places and come back to tell the tale.

With your vast overseas travel experience, I think you fit the bill.

Peter Wu


 黎景棠     專欄:光影留情

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