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Guess who was in town?
Peter Wu
No, not Obama, not David Cameron, not Vladimir Putin but our president Xi Jinping.
Along with his wife Madam Peng and an entourage of about 80, he dropped in on a whirlwind two-day visit. The day before he came, he issued an open letter to all Kiwis praising the co-operation and friendship between the two countries, and it was published in full in leading newspapers.
Being the VIP of VIPs, he was accorded with treatment deserving of a head of state – 21-gun salute, state dinner hosted by the Governor General, and Madam Peng being conferred a honorary doctorate in literature.
By the sound of it, Mr Xi is not a bad fellow. Apparently when he goes on provincial visits, he prefers to stay in 3-star hotels, or slightly better. He also prefers to eat local cuisines. I have no doubt the hotel may have a 3-star rating, the room he stays in would have been done up like that of 10-star hotel.
He and our prime minister got on really well. He broke protocol by inviting our PM and his wife for a private dinner to celebrate Madam Peng’s birthday. They talked until 11.30 pm, well past 9.30 pm when the dinner was supposed to finish. He used to do a lot of cooking at home but since becoming president, does not have the time to cook anymore. He and Madam Peng’s command of English is good. He can communicate with our PM freely but an interpreter is always at hand to translate the more technical stuff.
Well, our PM took the opportunity to discuss trade. Mr Xi apparently told our PM to export as much as we like to China, as no amount of what we produce can satisfy the demand of the China market. He is right on the button. China can overwhelm any country, let along Kiwiland who is a little pimple on the face of the earth.
Did our PM raise the human rights issue, Tibet independence issue and Diaoyutai territorial dispute with Mr Xi? I honestly don’t know but would you want to jeopardise everything by annoying him with sensitive issues like these, especially when both get on so well?
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