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特別代禱事項:香港街巷心理戰 (Take a minute to hear what he says)
Stella Tse & Others

Stella Tse:        以下是一位基督徒教授對現時香港「佔中」的分析,從政治,經濟,教育的角度分析,更重要是以聖經的立場看深層意義 + 解讀方案,請留心觀看。

YouTube 上觀看「香港街巷心理戰 Part 1: http://youtu.be/wA96XeyRhFs

YouTube 上觀看「香港街巷心理戰 Part 2: http://youtu.be/VXGfGwKQDWw

YouTube 上觀看「香港街巷心理戰 Part 3: http://youtu.be/Ab_NdbdN1HU


Metis Hon:       I like Timesforjacob's style, a very gentle and soft voice, slowly laying out his argument point by point. His whole argument based on the historical Cold War theme that the US and his allies is laying a iron-clay strategic circle around China is believable.

His suggestion that the leaders of the student movement in Hong Kong have been bought by the US remains to be verified.  The truth will come out, it's a matter of time. One thing we do know, Szeto Wah, as one of the respected democratic leader, did not died as a rich man. He wasn't in the payroll of the US. We'll see if young Joshua Wong, who appeared on the front page of Time Magazine, can finish his university study and grow up a decent young patriot. We will find out if some  student leaders will reap the benefit of the unrest and get jobs working for US interest one way or another.

I do like some of the points he made in the third video. The baby-boomers generation ( us) need to listen to the young one 多多聽少少講. We must give them a chance to vent their anger and tone down our lectures. Ask them which side they are on, let them air their points and how they personally related to this historical event.

We have to give credit to the students on their logistical organization, it must be the politest democratic movement (except what happened in MongKok and when they stormed government square!). However, their political organization is less impressive. There have been so many leaders and so many factions. Even though they are all fighting for the same cause, their tactics for achieving it are less than uniform. The protests mushroomed to areas like Mongkom where they are unable to exert any control.

It's time for these young, enthusiastic students to take stock and think calmly and realistically about their demands. Agnes Chow, the spokeswoman for Scholarism is wise to resign.


Bill Leung:      梁啟超 少年中國說




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