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New Year Resolutions...
Peter Wu
My New Year resolution is never to have a New Year Resolution.
What’s the point? If you want to make up your mind and do something, do it. Don’t wait until the new year to do it.
You want to lose weight? Lost weight. You want to take up jogging? Take up jogging.
You want to give up smoking? You want to drink more? Drink less? Do it. Do it in March, Do it in April, Do it in September. Why do you have to wait until the new year to do something?
This is an advertisement inserted in today’s NZ Herald by a top-rating radio station host called Mike Hosking. There’s lot of truth in what he says. So if you are contemplating some resolutions, just do it and do it now. Like Simon, his motto in life is carpe diem. I think we should all have the same motto.
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