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Wedding Photos - Monica and Michael
Sue Tang & Others

Sue Tang:        Dear NMC brothers and sisters,

As you may recall that I have to miss the reunion as my daughter got married at the end of this year. Here are some photos from the cruise and reception.


1. Cruise Wedding

I am pleased to share with you some happy moments of my daughter's wedding at the Oasis Cruise in the following link: https://plus.google.com/photos/100866545882499994411/albums/6082907234771222193?authkey=CKWDpcuH18W4Fw

We had a wonderful time vacationing with family and friends which is a life time experience on its own. My daughter picked my yellow dress and I did both my daughter and my own hair for the wedding.  My daughter is most precious to me and I am so pleased that she has found true love with Michael.

Some of you know Louis Heung (see photo) but you may not know that he is my daughter's God father.  He and his wife joined us at the cruise wedding and we asked him to be the witness of the marriage.


2. Post Cruise Wedding Reception

Please view photos with the following link:

We are most pleased that Stella and Kelvin have returned to Toronto and able to join us at this reception. Thanks to Stella for taking and posting many photos for us. I only have a few here as we are waiting for many more from the Professional photographer. 

Monica doesn't want a traditional wedding cake and opt for cupcakes. I made 240 cup cakes.  I also made 260 cookies and 3 BIG loaves of Chalah bread (a Jewish tradition for wedding).  Fortunately my partner Peter has recovered well from his recent surgery (which caused him to miss the cruise) and able to help me with all the packaging. He also has to emboss all the gold seals on each of the cookie package. Lots of work, but lots of fun and everyone had a wonderful time. 

Now I can relax and get back to my dancing and volunteer work !!!!


Peter Wu:        When I looked at those cupcakes you made, they remind me of the Chinese equivalent of 嫁女餅, except that they probably took you numerous times as long to design and make them and countless sleepless hours thinking about them.

However, they are unique, they make a real point of difference between buying the hop-made ones and most importantly of all, they add your own personal mother-to-daughter touch to the wedding which no money can buy. 

That must be the talking point among guests at the wedding and among us NMCERS. I will certainly be telling friends about this, with excitement like that of a country bumpkin being taken to the Peninsula Hotel for a cup of tea.

Congratulations for pulling off such a spectacular bake-a-thon feat. Last but not least, my best wishes to the happy couple.


Sue Tang:        Thanks for giving special attention to these personalized bake goods. You seem to know what I went through as a lot did go behind the scene. These are special gift for my beloved daughter. It did take lots of thinking, researching for ideas and planning how to produce more than 500 baked goods (cookies and cupcakes) within a limited timeframe. It has been an exciting and most fulfilling experience as Monica doesn't take me for granted and always express her appreciation and very generous in sharing the spot light with her good old mom.  She also posted a lovely message for my partner Peter on Facebook. So she is all worth it......


Virginia:          It takes me a little longer to respond your extraordinary wedding photos... I am here, still kicking...

Been so occupied lately, do not even know where to start.... have to catch up...

No doubt, everybody has already said all the words about your cupcakes extravagance , I have left with no new description but beautifully done. You are well known for your super talent in whatever you do, so that came in natural in your blood to create such a magnificent scene for your only beloved daughter's wedding. We salute to you.... all the details and Hard work showed in the love that you are presenting to her on her very special day. Here we wish Monica and Michael lifetime of health and happiness... 

You and Monica look so alike in the pictures. Although I have never met Monica before, you two look like sisters... so pretty and beautifully dressed. Michael is a handsome guy too. Cannot wait to see the off springs from them.

Definitely would like to have a taste of those cupcakes one of these days when I came to Toronto for visit.

Hope you are more relaxed now after the big wedding. 

Please also send regards to Peter... he is looking real good too... Hope he is all recovered from his surgery. Take good care!


Helena Lee:     I have just come back from China this evening and am delighted to see the beautiful wedding photos of Monica and Michael. Thank you for sharing. Please accept my belated congratulations.

I basically don't like cupcakes. But through your magical hands, the cupcakes can be very nice and pretty. You have totally changed my thinking.


Stella Tse:        Dear Helena. Your honesty brings me out as well, I also don't like cupcakes, but the ones that Sue made are exceptions, as are many other things that she makes. 

Enjoy the rest of the vacation and look forward to seeing you back in TO soon.

I have just come back from China this evening and am delighted to see the beautiful wedding photos of Monica and Michael. Thank you for sharing.

Please accept my belated congratulations.


Metis Hon:      Dear Sue & Stella. Thanks for the wedding photos of Monica & Michael. They are awesomely beautiful.

Sue, I know from first-hand experience that you're a superb baker, thanks to the lessons I received when you stayed with us. But the creation of those sumptuous, beautiful cupcakes and the loving heart shaped cookies simply render me speechless, I'm lost for words to describe fairly your talents and your love for Monica & Michael! You're truly an amazing devoted loving mother!

I myself am not mad about cupcakes but these individually hand- decorated ones make me want to scoff not one but a few!

You and Monica make the most beautiful mother and daughter in those wedding photos!

Relax, put your feet up until the next challenge, ha ha ha!

Send my love to Peter, he could do with gaining a few pounds!

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