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Bitter Cold in Hong Kong
Peter Cheung & Others


Peter Cheung:         Hi, Shirley and SH. Are you ready for the 20 inches of snow? Stay warm and safe. Hope you don’t have to work tomorrow!


Charles Chan:         Hi Peter and Shirley. I am still having nightmare from last year's snow storms. Please stay warm and safe to ride out of the snow storm.


Peter Cheung:         Thanks! I agree with Charles. We are too old to have snow fun! I will stay at home tomorrow. I have pain in my left shoulder. I don’t know how long it will take me to remove the 10 inches of snow for south jersey.


Johnson Yue:          Hi, Peter and Shirley. Hell with work and stay home to ride it out. Peter’s shoulder pain is also a good excuse not to clear the driveway. SH escape the snow storm but would be a challenge to go home to NYC with all that flight cancellations.


Tim Fook:               Johnson, I don’t think that Peter will have the driveway to be cleared. Please recall his house is one in the townhouse compound. Toronto will be at the rim of snow storm and will have snow on Thursday when the snow storm moves further northeast to East coast.


Johnson Yue:          SH will be leaving Vancouver tomorrow for NYC.


Bob Choi:               While you folks in the northeast US are bracing against the snow storm, we here in Hong Kong are still fighting off the "cold front" and high UV index... Seriously, more and more overseas Hongkongers are spending their winter in Hong Kong and avoiding local taxes by splitting their days of residency between countries.


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