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Frozen Shoulder
Stella Tse & Others

Stella Tse:       We are planning a NMC reunion for July of 2015, we would like to invite all of you to join in the fun.

Please review info below and let us know of your intentions by end of February:

- whether you are coming

- if coming, any preferred date in July


Organizing group:

HK - Kay 

Vancouver - Johnson 

Toronto - Tim Fook and Stella

Proposed activities:

1.  Reunion in Toronto (before or after the bus tour) - grand dinner / local sights

2.  Bus Tour to Eastern Canada 

                        - July 2015

                        - 7 day bus tour covering 5 provinces

- Ontario (Ottawa, Kingston, Thousand Islands),  Quebec (Montreal, Quebec City), New Brunswick (Frederickton, Saint John), Nova Scotia (Halifax), Prince Edward Island (Peggy's Cove)

- we will enjoy French cuisine & culture in Quebec, lobster in Nova Scoatia, visit Canadian Parliament in Ottawa, etc...

                        - Please see attached for a typical itinerary 

- 2014 price ranges from 600 to 800 C$ pp, double occpancy, including hotel, bus, and some attractions, but excluding meals, gratuities, some attractions

                        - if we have a large group, e.g. 30 people or more, we can organize a private tour      

Please feel free to let us know of any comments / suggestions. 

We are planning a NMC reunion for July of 2015, we would like to invite all of you to join in the fun. 


Metis Hon:      Provisionally Bernard and I are interested in the tour pending the decided dates, we've no engagement in July. However, my right shoulder is still hurting, I am still unable to use my arm properly. I had another MRI ten days ago to see the extent of the damage and I'm seeing my consultant on Tuesday, he's going to decide whether we go for surgery. Should know more by end of February.


Peter Wu:        Let's make a deal. Let me borrow your left shoulder and I lend you my right shoulder. Then we go together to the reunion!

I just had my MRI this morning. I had to hold my position for an hour. So painful. My go or no go will depend on my pain level in July. So I will say no go for me! Too unpredictable. 

If there are side trips to NYC or DC I will surely participate.

To the reunion participants: Have a wonderful and lovely gathering!


Metis Hon:      Deal accepted! I had an Arthrogram under X-ray control for 15 min then a 30 min MRI to ascertain the damage to my shoulder muscle 10 days ago. My frozen shoulder reappears as well. Tomorrow I will know whether I need surgery. I have to use my right arm sparingly to minimize the pain. Even doing the physio exercises hurts. Very depressing!

Not sure I will be fully recovered by July.


Peter Wu:        Based on everything I’ve read about this frozen shoulder business, I think I have got off lightly.

Initially I didn’t know what it was but the discomfort when I rolled onto my left shoulder in bed was getting to me.

The ultra-sound scan indicated a torn muscle but the MRI scan indicated otherwise.

To cut a long story short, I had a steroid injection on the shoulder, followed by maybe three sessions with the physiotherapist (with prescribed exercises at home), and I was cured.

I think I am very lucky as it can take some people a couple of years to come right.


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