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Five words that hurt our health
Stella Tse & Bob Choi

Stella Tse:        I read this article in the Toronto Star this morning and can totally relate to what the writer talks about, here it is what she says in the Washington Post: http://wapo.st/1F7f0jW


Bob Choi:        While I understand the author's rationale, I don't agree with her approach. Stop using certain words or phrases simply because they are misleading or ill-defined will soon leave us with very few words in our vocabulary...Everyday words such as freedom, democracy, patriotism, politics, morality, obscenity, arts, science, justice, love... All defy common-to-all definition and are often used ambiguously in various context. If we were to stop using these words, well... you got the picture!

                        It is an imperfect world we are living in and our words reflect that.


Stella Tse:        The key is not the 5 words, but the message behind each word ... more balance and lessen the focus on any one thing.


Bob Choi:        Couldnt agree with u more. It's not the words. It's the message. We must read between the lines...

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