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The Fabulous Echoes (1)
Bob Choi & Others


Bob Choi:       You have got to watch this...  https://youtu.be/HItpYIOgj9o


Stella Tse:       From Hong Kong, really?


Bob Choi:       They were actually from Hawaii, but they produce their records in Hong Kong... Diamond Records Company


Peter Wu:        By the look of them, they are probably Hawaiian Filipinos. They were certainly a good band and ahead of its time in what they did. Filipinos are ‘born’ musicians. Music is in their genes, like spitting among the Chinese. Remember the backing band in TVB’s Enjoy Yourself Tonight in the 60s – 70s? It was a Filipino band. In fact, my old man told me that in the pre-communist days, it was very common for big hotels in China to hire Filipino bands. They called them 洋琴鬼.

- To be Continued -

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