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The Fabulous Echoes (2)
Bob Choi & Others

Shirley Hung:  Peter, I always enjoyed reading your writings and fascinated by your broad knowledge in all areas and your charisma. You are our 大文豪 besides Bob, Metis and Charles.

However, today I feel "upset" and hurt when I read your expression "---like spitting among the Chinese"! Seems you always have a negative view on Chinese and enjoy elaborate on the negative sides. And this time I cannot just 一笑置之!

I could be 對號入座 as I have many friends and relatives who are still very much "Chinese"! When unpleasant incidents happened I felt uneasy too but I would never make a joke out of it. Because I'm one of them.


Metis Hon:      Shirley, 新法同學中的確有你所說的三大男性文豪,但小女子無才無德,孤陋寡聞,决不能擔此雅名!只是基于職業病陋習,時常自言自語,得罪人多,稱呼人少,所以近來决定逐漸封筆,以免貽笑大方!




Bob Choi:       Dear Shirley and Metis, knowing Peter, I am certain that his reference to the Chinese (and Filipino) were made without malice or personal bias. I truly appreciate his writing style which is sometimes self-deprecating but always colorful and fun to read. He enjoys poking and angles for responses from his readers... by George, he succeeded this time!

In case some of us in the group are upset at Peter’s reference regarding the Chinese, I offered on his behalf, a song by the fabulous echoes...well-suited for the occasion! 


- The End -

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