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Watch "Death Is Not Final" on YouTube
Bob Choi & Stella Tse

Bob Choi:        Watch "Death Is Not Final" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/h0YtL5eiBYw


Stella Tse:        Thanks Bob, the commentator did a great job, but the arguments made by either side are not that profound.


Bob Choi:        I agree, Stella. Any arguments on the concept of afterlife are bound to be superficial (not profund) unless one brings religion into the picture... After all, afterlife is the cornerstone of all religions, bar none. But then what good will it do to conduct a debate on religion... really?

That said, I am surprised at the result of the debate. The U.S. is a religious nation. On the back of each dollar bill says "in god we trust"! The result of this debate came totally unexpected. Maybe the audience at this debate are too "intelligent" to be a representative sample of the country.


Stella Tse:        Be careful. Don't equate religiousness to intelligence. I think many people would beg to debate!


Bob Choi:        Oh, no... I will never equate religiousness with intelligence in any form or shape... To do so will be the same as to say that the Islamic extremists are either the most or the least intelligent people that we have the good fortune to face.

Many things in life are not subject to debate: the sense of beauty, love, religion and faith. These are constructs coming from our hearts (feelings), not our brains (rational thoughts).


Stella Tse:        I would agree to that.



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