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Oxalate (Oxalic Acid): Good or Bad?
Bob Choi & Peter Cheung

Bob Choi:        You should read this if you are concerned about kidney stones.

Oxalate is one of many "anti-nutrients" found in plant foods. Some claim that it causes harm, but the evidence isn't clear.

This article sets the record straight about oxalate: Oxalate (Oxalic Acid): Good or Bad?


Peter Cheung:  Nothing is 100% good or 100% bad. Most biological entities function as an inverted U-shape curve.

Too little is bad and too much is also bad. Where the curve locates varies with genetics, ethnicity, sex, age, stress and diet. We try to balance our life styles and to be moderate. The new healthy diet of green and nuts revolution leads some of us to the realization that too much green may give us kidney stones.

From reading more about kidney stone I learned that vitamin C is converted to oxalate and vitamin C is important for Fe absorption. So you need to take both to help anemic conditions.

Another health idea is to eat more fruits. But it may increase the chance of getting stones. How? Please share your answer with us, a test if you remember what I said in some previous emails.

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