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British Politics in Turmoil
Metis Hon & Others

Metis Hon:  Well, after the Brexit, we are now in crisis! Those who voted to leave must also be in shock.


Cameron resigned straight away as he feels he is in no position to lead the Brexit negotiation, so we need a new PM chosen from among the Conservative ministers & MPs. Of course, Boris Johnson is eyeing the throne but there is no way the Remain camp will let him take over from Cameron. He might just get it as the government needs someone to invoke Artictle 50. However, it seems many in the Tory Remain camps would prefer Teresa May.


Jeremy Corbyn most likely will have to resign as well as there is a nasty revolt among the shadow cabinet. As I am writing at this monent, 11 shadow cabinet members have resigned in protest at Jermey Corbyn's leadership over the EU referendum. It has been the most stressful weekend for everyone in the Parliament.


In fact, Brexit will take time to evolve and it isn't the only worrying problem for UK because Scotland wants a second referendum on independence. Nicola Sturgeon indicated the move is necessary to secure Scotland's continued membership of the EU. Britain may get over leaving EU in time but losing Scotland is the worst that can happen to the empire. The nightmare has only just begun!


The fact is both the Remain & Brexit voters are surprised by the outcome and the Remain camp ia petitioning for a second EU referendum. More than 3.2 millions signatures have been collected but Cameron clearly stated that there will be no second vote. What is done is done even though some Brexit voters regreted their choice.


Although formerly the referendum was about whether we should remain in the EU or leave, in practice it was a debate about the kind of country Britain is and should be. Analysis of the result reveals sharp social divsions in this country. It is the young against the elderly, the graduates against those who left education after secondary school and on top of this the issues of social class, national identity, economy & immigration.


BBC's vote analysis revealed that of the 30 voting areas with the most elderly people, 27 voted Leave. with the fewest graduates, 28 voted Leave. with the most identifying as English all 30 voted Leave!


It is a working class revolt against the establishment. It's a revolt about immigration, the lack of affordable housing, the lack of secure jobs, stagnating living standard & strained public service (esp. the NHS).


The new prime minister's mostdifficult task isn't the Brexit negotiation, it is to heal the scars of a divided nation.


Pony Ma:     Couldn't agree more!


Bob Choi:     From what i read (which could be unreliable), Scotland voted against independence a short while ago mainly for fear of losing its eu status. now with brexit, Scotland will surely vote for independence if they take a second vote. its killing two birds with one stone: gaining independence n staying in eu!

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