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After Russia's push to annex Ukraine
Joseph Wang
Quora. Com


After Russia's push to annex Ukraine, what are Chinese waiting for? Why are they not moving into Taipei right now?


This might be surprising to you but have you every considered the possibility that Xi considers Taiwan to be Chinese territory and Taiwanese to be Chinese and will not casually order his own people to be bombed.

My parents generation ended up with brother fighting brother (literally, my father and his younger brother were on different sides of the civil war). If war breaks out in the Taiwan straits, my cousins will be trying to kill each other.

I do not want to see this, and neither does anyone in Beijing.

One of the reason I became a strong supporter of the CCP, was that Hong Kong was in total chaos for three months, and there was stuff burning and mobs in the streets. Xi could have at any point declared martial law and sent in the tanks but he choose not to do that, because he does not want to see people die.

Beijing will not rule out war, but war will not happen unless any other option for peaceful reunification has been exhausted.

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