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Has putin miscalculated the the devastating effects of econo
Joseph Wang
Quora Com

Has putin miscalculated the the devastating effects severe economic sanctions will have on the Russian economy ? 

No he has not miscalculated. He has correctly calculated the Russia will be able to withstand any sanctions with Chinese help, and that any sanctions will kill the Western economies more than Russia.

So lets suppose Biden and Boris Johnson impose supertough sanctions on Russia. Good lord, you cant enough convince people to wear masks to save the lives of your own countrymen. What chance to you have of getting people to support any economic pain to help people in a country most people have never heard about.

Putin is now springing a trap that has has spend the last decade putting together:

  1. He got the UK out of EU. This means that the London banking system is completely dependent on Russia, and that the UK will undermine any EU sanctions.
  2. He has so poisoned US politics that the Republicans hate Biden more than Putin. The millisecond Biden puts any sort of sanctions, Fox News is totally going to ream him.
  3. He has also poisoned Ukrainian politics.
  4. He got China on his back, and this is *NOT* a new accord. It has been something that Russia and China have been working on since the 1990s.

How much of this is accidental and how much of this is intentional is not clear. But none of this would have been possible in 2010. But if you look at everything Putin has been doing since 2008, it has been part of this grand strategy, that now make a ton of sense.

Nixon is absolutely rolling in his grave, because the thing that Nixon realized is that you do not want Russia and China on the same side, and the amount of incompetence that it took for the US to get Russia and China on the same side is absolutely unreal.

The problem is that the US likes “quick fixes”but the US is now in a hole that it has been digging for the last *two decades*.

This is utterly insane. So what does Russia need? It has food, it has resources. It needs *tech* and manufactured goods which China can provide Russia. What does China need? What is the *one* thing that China needs that could kill its economy….. Why do you think China is terrified of the US 7th Fleet?


Russia has got oil.

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