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1、這是一個國際性的主權原則問題,必須依靠科學證據。 2、現在疫情全球大爆發大流行,發展成為了是病毒與人類的戰爭,按照聯合國《戰爭法》這是世界大戰。 3、病毒與戰爭等同,從爆發源頭查證傳染源,也就是誰發動了戰爭。
4、疫情病毒給全球(人類)造成的災難和損失,在全球疫情結束後會有一個總清算(損失額:生命價值十經濟十人力十精神影響)。 5、聯合國會成立國際審判法庭(戰爭賠款)。 6、這種賠款也有可能要賠掉一個發達的大國。 如戰後的納粹德國和日本。 7、因此定義病毒源頭決定國家命運。 特朗普打死他也不會承認,中國也不會背黑鍋。 現在全世界都在試目以待,此疫情已經激怒了全世界,一旦確定病毒傳染源頭,並能確定其主觀意圖,那麼疫情戰爭賠就將讓這個大國解體(歷史上如希特勒)。
 一些老百姓只是看熱鬧,不知其厲害關係,其實這是涉及國家生死存亡的(反人類罪、戰爭罪)國際大問題。 堅決反對將新冠肺炎説成中國肺炎或武漢肺炎的污名化做法。 堅決反對證據不足的把病毒源頭説是在武漢的説法。 徹底揭露美國一些政客想甩黑鍋給中國的惡劣行徑。 防止漢奸賣國賊的出現。 國家利益涉及到每個中國人自己的利益。
     墾請我輩有良知的中國人,為了祖國,為了全體中國人民不再遭受以美帝國主義為代表的西方列強欺辱、栽髒、陷害。 請大家立即轉發,有多少羣轉發多少羣。
Foreign Minister Wang Yi reminded all Chinese people:
Why has the controversy over the source and transmission route of the new coronavirus become the focus?
1. This is an international issue of sovereignty principles and must rely on scientific evidence.
 2. The pandemic is now a global pandemic, which has developed into a war between viruses and humans. According to the United Nations "Law of War", this is a world war. 
3. Viruses are equal to wars. Verify the source of infection from the source of the outbreak, that is, who started the war.  
4) The disasters and losses caused by the epidemic virus to the world (humans) will be settled after the end of the global epidemic (loss: life value plus economy plus manpower plus spiritual impact). 
5) The United Nations will establish an International Tribunal (War Reparations).
 6) This kind of compensation may also cost a large developed country to collapse .  Such as Nazi Germany and Japan after the war. 
7) Therefore, the definition of the source of the virus determines the fate of the country.  Trump will not admit that he is the main culprit , and China will not want to be made a scapegoat.  Now the whole world is trying to wait for it. The epidemic has angered the world. Once the source of the virus infection is determined and its subjective intentions can be determined, then the epidemic war compensation will disintegrate this big country (like Hitler in history).
Some ordinary people just watch the excitement and don't know the impact and how much it is related. In fact, this is a major international issue (crimes against humanity, war crimes) that involves the life and death of a country.  
We firmly oppose the stigmatization of COVID-19 as Chinese pneumonia or Wuhan pneumonia.  
Resolutely oppose the claim that the source of the virus is in Wuhan with insufficient evidence.  
Thoroughly expose the bad behavior of some American politicians who want to make China the  scapegoat.  
I invite the Chinese who have a conscience in our generation, for the motherland and for the entire Chinese people to no longer be humiliated, planted, and framed by Western powers represented by US imperialism.  
Please forward and viral this message immediately to your contacts and make it known to all.
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