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perfectly lawful and legal and unfortunate
Anna Von Reitz
Paul Stramer Lincoln County Watch
( 原文發表於2022年3月2日)
People keep wondering what to think about the situation in Ukraine.  Many are still believing what they hear on the news.
When the old Russian Federation broke up, and Russia released the Ukraine as an independent country it came with the proviso that if there was evidence of criminality, genocide, international threats to Russia on Ukrainian soil, etc. Russia could come back in and secure the situation.  This is part of Russia's obligation to the rest of the world as well as a matter of Russian security. 
So, Ukraine was free to be its own country, with the understanding that they were going to be good little international citizens. And if they got out of hand, Russia would come back in and clean things up.  
Following Ukrainian independence in 1991, the Usual Suspects piled on.  It was like a gold rush.  Drug smuggling. Human trafficking.  Arms sales. Counterfeiting.  Organ harvesting.  Oil privateering. Every sordid nasty dirty business in the world was imported to Ukraine, by all the Agencies, the "US Corp", the DOD,  the Mobs of various nations, and associated corporations like Blackwater and Halliburton and on and on and on. All the Dirty Deal Guys showed up like gangbangers. 
And everyone including Russia just shook their heads.  It was business as usual for the Ollie Norths of the world.  
Predictably, some Ukrainian oligarchs floated to the top of the cesspit and became politicians.  
The whole situation took an exponential leap downward during the Obama Administration, when Joe Biden and members of the US CONGRESS got involved in paying the oligarchs tons of helicopter money for their personal support on one hand, and taking billions out of the Ukrainian economy on the other.   
It was just a shameless wholesale sell out of Ukraine and the people of Ukraine.  Their oil pillaged, their trade policies manipulated, their entire country opened up to every kind of vice, but the final straw was the DOD opening up over a dozen bioweapon laboratories in Ukraine. 
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