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(原文發表於2024年7月26日)我们拥有与生俱来的品质 我们现在就可以改变世界
在今天的世界, 作为一名年轻人, 我们不得不面对大量的社会议题一一 Too often, the notion of being a young person in today's world is associated with the multitude of issues that we have inherited—— 毁灭性的战争、 灾难性的气候危机、 种族/性别/宗教不平等…… devastating wars, a catastrophic climate crisis, and inequality due to race, gender, or religion. 这些议题如此宏大, 自然会让我们难以承受、 让我们因为自身的渺小无力而心生疑虑。 It's natural to feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of circumstance that we find ourselves in, to grow cynical in the face of our apparent insignificance. 毕竟我们年纪轻轻, 能成什么事呢? After all, we're only young. What could we possibly do?
针对这个窘境, 我的回答很简单: My response to this quandary is simple. 我们要认识到, 我们的青春年少不是一个障碍, 而是一种力量。 We must recognize our youth not as a hindrance, but as a strength. 在我们掌握了大量资源的当下, “年轻”不再意味着“幼稚”。 Today, with the resources we have at our disposal, being young no longer means being naive. “年轻”意味着 我们的好奇心能够得到加持; But it does mean being empowered in our curiosity. “年轻”意味着 我们的青春活力和热情可以在探索世界的过程中 进一步地激发更多的活力和热情; It means that all of our youthful energy and zeal can positively reinforce itself as we discover the world around us. “年轻”意味着 我们能够朝气蓬勃地提出新的想法、 能够去接触不同的文化。 It means we are invigorated to ask new questions, to connect with different cultures, and to inspire change in the communities that we inhabit. 在校园生活中, 我学到了一个尤为重要的技能, 我称之为批判性好奇心。 One particularly valuable skill that I've learned and I've come to treasure in the process of campus learning is that which I call critical curiosity. 批判性好奇心的内涵, 就是在跨入一个陌生领域的时候, 要兼具成熟的思辨和开放的心态。 This is the practice of approaching distant conversations with both an educated mind and an open heart. 批判性好奇心的第二个关键点, 就是在学习的过程中要剥离自尊自傲。 A second key component of critical curiosity is the expulsion of the ego from the learning process. 因为求知需要谦逊, 而谦逊意味着接受犯错误。 To be curious is to be humble, and to be humble is to be willing to be wrong.
一个充满好奇心又得到了赋权的年轻人, 如果同时具备想表达的信息和表达的技巧, 他的力量将不可阻挡。 A curious and empowered young person who has both the skill and the envision to share a message is a formidable force, 我鼓励这样的年轻人都骄傲地发声。 and I encourage all you do to speak proudly. We do not have to wait until we are older to change the world. 我们拥有与生俱来的品质; 我们现在就可以改变世界。 We can do it right now, aided by the qualities that are native and familiar to us. 功成不必在于言辞, As I've illustrated, meaningful impact is not limited to words. 我们可以通过其他的渠道, 例如体育、艺术、音乐、 美食、时尚, 实现文化交流和互联互通。 We can achieve cultural communication and connection through various other human avenues, such as sports, art, music, food, or fashion. 世界发展在于彼此促进, 所以对于今天在座的青年领袖们, 我希望你们可以与我一道, 用我们自己独有的方式, 让世界更加美好。 World development is uplifting others, and so to the young leaders in this room, I hope that you will join me in doing our part to make the world a better place in our own way. |