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Australia China relationship: the untold perspective
Darrell Egan
Image from thechronicle.com.au
We cannot go more than a few days without hearing a negative news story in regards to the deteriorating relationship between Australian and China.
The mainstream media (MSM) is reporting the complex issues of this bilateral relationship like a Batman movie where they have cast China as the Joker playing nefarious games bullying Australia.
The protagonist and antagonist cast members have been put in play for the scripted media narrative. However, like all movies, is the screenplay based on actual events?

We have seen a force multiplier of accusations regarding China and we have to dissect them.

60 Minutes Chinese Spy

Back in November 2019 60 Minutes Australia ran a story on an alleged spy named Wang Liqiang who sought asylum in Australia, stating he is a defector from a Chinese Spy Agency.

With scary music and selective images 60 Minutes played out this story with little evidence. One major thing about Wang Liqiang that 60 Minutes did not tell Australian viewers is that Wang Liqiang was up on fraud charges at Fujian court in China in 2016, when he was 23 years of age. Here is video footage of his fraud charges trial. Of all cities in China, Fujian is known to have con artists and is why it is on a lower ranking city in China for international students when getting a Student Visa.

Even former Australian foreign minister Julie Bishop raised doubts stating if he was such a high-ranking level Chinese spy the normal course in defecting is not to go public as obviously it would jeopardise sensitive information he was disclosing. High-level spy defections are done discretely with another country’s intelligence agencies. Wang also claimed at the young age of 26 he was carrying out high-level secret missions in Hong Kong. Wang Liqiang also states he was involved in a high-level extradition in 2015 at the age of 22.

Yet the Australian Strategic Policy Institute backed his claims and Liberal MP Andrew Hastie went on this 60 Minutes program. Andrew Hastie, along with Labor Senator Kimberley Kitching are representatives on the Global think tank Anti-China Inter Parliamentary Alliance on China. US Trump politician right-wing hawk Marco Rubio sits on this think tank with them. The main source of anti-China claims to this think tank is Adrian Zenz, who is a Senior Fellow at the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. This Foundation counts Nazi soldier deaths in war by Russia in their calculations in victims of communism.

Hong Kong Protest claims

Federal Foreign Minister Marise Payne has taken a stance in support of Hong Kong protesters, stating they should be able to have political expression in Hong Kong. Marise Payne has never spoken about the violent expression by Hong Kong protesters in beating up elderly people, women and ordinary citizens in Hong Kong including burning a man alive and killing a street cleaner with a brick. Other violence included petrol bombing police officersstabbing a police officer in the neck and attacking officers with metal weapons. Is this the political expression she would like to see in Australia?

For years and now Hong Kong people have the freedom to express their political views in peaceful protests. What set off the violent protests was a proposed extradition law by the Hong Kong Government in February 2019. The proposed Bill was put forward after a young man escaped to Hong Kong after murdering his girlfriend, with the parents of the young girl seeking justice. The proposed Bill with amendments only listed 37 crimes which none of have anything to do with supressing political expression’s freedoms, along with political freedom protections in the Bill presided over Hong Kong’s autonomy legal system as stated by ex-Pan Democrat from the Civic Party, Ronny Tong Ka-Wa.

From this what proceeded was a near coup of five demands including exoneration from prosecution of Hong Kong protesters who undertook violent brutal acts. Included in these protests was blatant support from the US and Australia. Trump Whitehouse Adviser Steve Bannon went online with corrupt Chinese businessman Miles Guo offering US government support to Baggio Leung who heads the Hong Kong national Front Protest Group, on June 28 2019. In the video below Mile Guo requested Baggio Leung to up the ante of assertive protest.

Hong Kong Protest claims

Federal Foreign Minister Marise Payne has taken a stance in support of Hong Kong protesters, stating they should be able to have political expression in Hong Kong. Marise Payne has never spoken about the violent expression by Hong Kong protesters in beating up elderly people, women and ordinary citizens in Hong Kong including burning a man alive and killing a street cleaner with a brick. Other violence included petrol bombing police officersstabbing a police officer in the neck and attacking officers with metal weapons. Is this the political expression she would like to see in Australia?

For years and now Hong Kong people have the freedom to express their political views in peaceful protests. What set off the violent protests was a proposed extradition law by the Hong Kong Government in February 2019. The proposed Bill was put forward after a young man escaped to Hong Kong after murdering his girlfriend, with the parents of the young girl seeking justice. The proposed Bill with amendments only listed 37 crimes which none of have anything to do with supressing political expression’s freedoms, along with political freedom protections in the Bill presided over Hong Kong’s autonomy legal system as stated by ex-Pan Democrat from the Civic Party, Ronny Tong Ka-Wa.

From this what proceeded was a near coup of five demands including exoneration from prosecution of Hong Kong protesters who undertook violent brutal acts. Included in these protests was blatant support from the US and Australia. Trump Whitehouse Adviser Steve Bannon went online with corrupt Chinese businessman Miles Guo offering US government support to Baggio Leung who heads the Hong Kong national Front Protest Group, on June 28 2019. In the video below Mile Guo requested Baggio Leung to up the ante of assertive protest.



On July 22 2019 (a few weeks later) Baggio Leung’s fellow National front Leader was caught with a huge cache of explosives. Throughout the protests explosive devices were discovered, which were used by Hong Kong protesters.

The Hong Kong leadership have never condemned the violence they undertook as stated by Hong Kong protest Leadership Spokesperson Joey Siu on DW news Conflict Zone program. 


In comparison, regarding Hong Kong police restraint during the Hong Kong riots where they were attacked in by large groups of protesters with petrol bombs and metal weapons throughout 2019 and into 2020, there has been not one death the hands of Hong Kong police. These zero numbers include general Hong Kong policing law enforcement duties.

Yet in the same period from 2019 up until now in 2020 we are heading up to nearly 2000 deaths at the hands of US police, with 1004 shooting deaths in 2019 and 984 so far in 2020.

An Australian Federal Liberal MP – Tim Wilson – actually went to march with Hong Kong protesters, meeting with Hong Kong protest leaders Joshua Wong who at the time was calling for Donald Trump to get involved in supporting the Hong Kong protester’s insurrection in which we see Steve Bannon filling this role of support, including Republican politician Marco Rubio who sits on the Anti-China Inter Parliamentary Alliance on China.


Now imagine if a Chinese politician came to Australia to march alongside Indigenous protesters who were demanding autonomy rights in their own country which they do not have, that the ex-British Opium war invaded territory of Hong Kong has and will still continue to have. On top of this the Indigenous protesters were carrying Chinese government flags, brutalising innocent people, hijacked parliament, attacked police with petrol bombs along with metal weapons and occupied our airport, Australia would introduce the most draconian of national security laws.

With such an overt situation of political interference Hong Kong has introduced national security laws which have been reported to be not as stringent as Australia’s national security laws in relation to question people in regards to politically motivate violence.

Hong Kong barrister Lawrence Ma – who is the Chairman of the Hong Kong legal Exchange Foundation – stated that the new Hong Kong national security law is in line with the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights, along with the International Covenant on Economic, Social and cultural rights applied to Hong Kong. Freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of assembly and protest procession will remain in line with the Hong Kong basic law.

Like all other countries the new Hong Kong national security law is to prevent individuals or groups colluding with a foreign country or external forces endangering national security.

Yet Federal Foreign Minister Marise Payne has opposed this, while raising concerns. Is Marise Payne concerned that her ex-CIA now US Secretary of State mate Mike Pompeo cannot interfere with the politics of Hong Kong? It must be remembered Mike Pompeo pushed the narrative of a so called Five Eyes document stating that the coronavirus came out of a Chinese laboratory. This assertion was debunked and no dossier was found to exist.



Xinjiang Uighur Issue

In regards to Xinjiang and the Uighur population there is one issue that the Australian federal government-funded Australian Strategic Policy Institute has got involved in, being the source of media reports in Australia and influence on government policy on the issue with China.

Turkic Uighur people migrated to Xinjiang during the rise of the Byzantine era after 330 AD. Prior to this the region had Chinese-administered outposts governing the Silk Road trade routes with the Tocharian people, who were part-descendants of the Scythian Celtic people who would migrate from the Baltic regions of Europe trading with what we would refer to as Chinese Asian people in Xinjiang. We can see these Scythian Celts in the Tarim basin mummies in Xinjiang. These Anglo-looking mummies have Celtic Scythian face woad-style tattoos, braided hair and some have tartan clothing. Their DNA has been shown to be non-Turkic and Scythian Celtic in origin on the male side, and Chinese Asian DNA on the female side.

Yet Uighur people try and claim they are Turkic Uighur in origin as part of their Separatist initiative. Xinjiang has semi-autonomy, yet there are forces such as the NATO listed Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP), also known as the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM) terrorist group there undertaking bombings and violent attacks on Han Chinese and Uighur people who they deem non-believers. Whilst most Uighurs do not share the ideology of this extremist group does not deter their push to establish their own Caliphate type East Turkistan state in Xinjiang.

The TIP/ETIM have transported Uighur terrorists to Afghanistan to fight with Al Qaeda and with help from a Turkish Government sanction organisation called the Eastern Turkistan Education and Solidarity Association, and the Education and Social Cooperation of East Turkistan established on the 29/3/2006, Turkish Interior Ministry Licenced number 00,08,34,4VLK4,05.B090-128-34. These groups including the Turkish Grey Wolves fighters set up by Turkey on the pretext of Uighurs visiting family would help support and transport these TIP fighters into Syria to fight with ISIS setting up Child Fighter training camps there. Mehmet Ali Agca who attempted to assassinate Pope John Paull the second in 1981 was a member of the Grey Wolves. This Neo fascist Turkish terrorist group has been involved in attacks around the world, including Bangkok.

Donald Trump has opened up closer cooperation with the right-wing fascist leaning leader of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan and to curry favour Mike Pompeo has delisted ETIM as a terrorist group.


Unlike the US with drone strikes, wars, rendition torture and pictures of torture like in Guantanamo Bay, China is taking a high intelligence and deradicalization program approach to the problem. Yet this does not stop the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) to make Pompeo-style false accusations regarding what is happening in Xinjiang with claims of so-called concentration camps. Adrian Zenz – who I mentioned earlier – as the source for the Inter Parliamentary Alliance on China think tank that Liberal MP Andrew Hastie and Labor Senator Kimberley Kitching sit on as well as being a source for ASPI, came up with fictitious concentration camps after his team interviewed eight Uighurs who had relatives in custody for charges (that Adrian Zenz did not specify) and extrapolated this to so-called concentrations camps with no Guantanamo Bay photo or video evidence. This was reported by Max Blumenthal of “The Grayzone News”. There is no photo video or hard documented evidence of Uighur abuse. However, Nathan Ruser, who is an analyst at the Australian Strategic policy Institute took satellite photos of walled buildings accusing them of being concentration camps. Many of these photos are showing walled boarding schools with soccer pitches and basketball courts on them in which I am familiar with in teaching in China as student welfare is important with students who board at these schools, not going AWOL, creating a duty of care issue for the schools. Many industrial parks in China are walled for security. How does this account for evidence? One example shows ASPI alleging a Detention camp when in fact it is the Kargilik No 6 boarding High School.




Another claim by ASPI is that China is selling Uighur slave labour by using an advertisement of a Chinese government funded Vocational Education Employment initiative which is part of a deradicalization program offering direction and employment to Uighur people to avoid falling into the hands of extremist groups such as the TIP/ETIM. The posting on the ASPI Website includes a link to a Chinese government website which states the legal rights of Uighurs in regards to equal pay, equal cultural rights and other employment benefits. Daniel Dumbrill ASPI investigates:



However, Federal Foreign Minister Marise Payne – without critically looking at all the claims from her ASPI and Liberal MP Andrew Hastie Inter Parliamentary Alliance on China member advisers – blindly and publicly condemns China on treatment of Uighurs with no evidence and fabricated so-called evidence.


Australia joins global condemnation of China over Xinjiang amid deteriorating ties | Australia news | The Guardian

Australia has stared down a potential backlash from China by joining with nearly 40 countries to voice grave concerns about “gross human rights violations” in the Xinjiang region and call for …





Source of claims against China on Xinjiang Uighur claims

The main sourcing of these claims against China to the Australian media and to our current government in forming their policy on China is through the Australian Strategic Policy Institute and the Inter Parliamentary Alliance, Adrian Zenz.

Adrian Zenz, as mentioned, is from the Victims of Communism Foundation and a right-wing evangelist who wrote a book “Worthy to Receive” where he calls for “Spiritual Spanking” of children, he asserts LGBTI gender equality issues as a satanic campaign and speaks against anti-racist hate-crime legislation tolerance, calling it the leopard like powers of the Anti-Christ which he has not denied. Adrian Zenz makes submissions to the UN and US government foreign Policy on China. Adrian Zenz posted on Twitter without fact checking as supposed evidence the reporting of a girl finding a note in a North Face shoe she had received as a present. The note supposedly was from a Uighur requesting help as they were supposedly in a forced-labour jail. Others in the Uighur Anti-china groups posted this claim. After simple fact checking it was found that the North Face shoe was manufactured in Vietnam and North Face have no manufacturing in Xinjiang.

Another source who is funded by the CIA is the National Endowment For Democracy organization in the US, which has been involved in overthrowing elected governments that do not suit US policy. Omer Kanat, who is the Chairman of the World Uighur Foundation who works with Adrian Zenz. would be thought of as having closely sourced evidence on any Uighur abuses. When it comes to source of figures and information he states this as “Western Media Estimates.”



The other source in the US working with Adrian Zenz is Uighur Rushan Abbas, who has not lived in Xinjiang since the 1980s. In an interview with Daniel Dumbrill, Rushan Abbas makes a claim that the 1997 Ghujla Uighur Bombing terrorist attack was a peaceful protest when video evidence tells otherwise.



In the interview it was revealed Rushan Abbas was an interpreter for Uighurs terror suspects at Guantanamo Bay and during the pictured evidence, torture of terror suspects at Guantanamo Bay including reports from Uighur detainees at the time Rushan did nothing to bring this to the attention of US authorities. Omar Kanat, who I mentioned earlier, repatriated released Uighur Guantanamo Bay detainees in which he seemed to have not made a stand on the torture reports.

Danel Dumbrill Interview with Rushan Abbas:



Daniel Dumbrill Response to Rushan Abbas interview:



Getting back to the Australian Strategic Policy Institute we find that it is funded by US Weapons companies which have had accusations of using prison labour in the US which was reported by Marcus Rubenstein in a Michael West Media report.

Australia China Relationship

What I am reporting is not assessed at all in Australia’s stance on the issues I describe, and instead a solely US-sourced anti-China propaganda model.

On top of this Scott Morrison has committed Australian naval vessels to support the US in encircling China in the South China Sea, which has been part of China’s sea trading routes as far back as the 12th century (outlined in the Chu Fan Chi Chronicles authored by Chau Ju Kua who was a 12th century Song Dynasty historian, well before Australia and America was colonised by Europeans).

China is already encircled by US military bases in South Asia and the Pacific.

In June this year the Sydney Morning Herald published that over 400 Australian Chinese people had endured COVID related racist attacks. In the same month Scott Morrison rejected Chinese Government concerns that such racist attacks would have on venerable Chinese students.

Yet in 2017 when the Indian government raised concerns regarding racism on Indian students in Australia trade Minister Simon Birmingham went running to India and addressed the issue.



India no longer fears racial attacks on its students in Australia – ABC News

India’s Government says racially motivated attacks on Indian students in Australia are no longer an issue, days ahead of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s visit to New Delhi and Mumbai.



In May 2020 China agreed to an independent World Health Organisation inquiry into COVID-19 that would investigate issues regarding the virus and responses worldwide. This is a thorough investigation that covers all bases and as we found out from the Spanish Flu epidemic, it did not originate in Spain. With this I am not suggesting COVID-19 did not originate in China as I have no virology report evidence on this. However, a lot more is be gained from a worldwide investigation and not just into the abuse but how we can better prepare in the future as we have seen the US was caught off-guard.

However, Scott Morrison nagged publicly for a COVID-19 inquiry on the source of the pandemic, focusing on China to be investigated in a COVID-19 inquiry and out of step with a more thorough worldwide inquiry, not only to the origin but broader areas of investigation. In this call Scott Morrison is repeating a US China-centric blame investigation, rather than a holistic investigation.

With the current relationship hitting Australian wine exports Scott Morrison stubbornly sticks to his belief he has nothing to answer for in regards to the Australia China relationship with he and his ministers presiding over a government that goes from one mouthing media conference to another, recklessly embracing a flawed foreign policy approach to China.

Australian needs to have a more intelligent independent foreign policy approach assessing all issues independently without accepting US-sourced allegations on face value. There may be issues that Australia need to speak up to China about as no country is perfect. However, this has to be done based on evidence.

As a matter of conflict of interest our federal government should get rid of weapons company-funded Strategic Policy Institutions and stop funding these institutions with Australian taxpayers’ money.

In its place an independent Strategic Policy Committee must be formed. There is no place in Australia for racism, denying diplomacy, not twisting such concerns in regards to effects or racism on venerable international students as a false accusation of bullying that students ravelling to study in Australia are being used as some sort of trade weapon.

What we have now is a spectre of McCarthyism Red Scare racism phobia where anyone giving the sourced perspective is accused of being some sport of Chinese Government propaganda agent and not only is what I put forward not reported in the Australian MSM, but aggressively derided.

Currently, Australia is subservient to US self-serving strategic interests in relation to China, not an independent strategy where Australia can independently pursue a mutually beneficial foreign policy and trade strategy with China that does not have a split personality approach of recklessly attacking China for US interest on one hand, and selling off assets on the other hand in the case of the port of Darwin.

This is not to say we burn our bridges with our US relationship, but redefine the relationship where Australian independence in foreign policy engagement with China is respected.

With the new China lead ASEAN Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) trade agreement which Australian has recently signed on to and will be fully ratified and running in 2022 which offers economic benefits to Australia… now is the time to reflect and reset our relationship with China.

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