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were the ancestors of the most taiwanese people from mainlan
Yugan Talovich
Were the ancestors of the most Taiwanese people from the Chinese mainland? Are most of the Taiwanese people Han the same as the biggest ethnic group of the Chinese mainland?


A few years ago, there was a big stir in Taiwan about an article claiming that the majority of the people in Taiwan had aboriginal blood, and were not Han Chinese. The authors wisely published that in the popular press, not in a peer reviewed journal, because their methods were sloppy and they chose their samples carefully.

But even if the majority of the people in Taiwan had aboriginal blood, so what? They lead their lives in Chinese culture. Chinese culture has never been about bloodlines, it’s always been about cultural identity. Shandong has always been one of the vital centers of Chinese culture, but they started out as 夷 eastern barbarians not recognized by the Powers that Were. Then they had an influx of the Chou/Zhou, who also settled the Shang people there to keep them out of trouble. If you examined the DNA of people in Shandong during the Tang dynasty, the epitome of Chinese culture, you would find that a very high percentage of the people had blood from nomads who came down from Siberia (鮮卑).

In about 1980, there was a stir because somebody came to Taiwan and said that people in Taiwan aren’t Chinese because the men don’t have queues and nobody rides rickshaws. ~seriously. How are you going to define Chinese culture? Ch’ing/ Qing clothing was forced on them by the Manchus, and was quite different from the Ming, which was quite different from the Tang, and steps removed from the Han. A living culture evolves.

Within a culture, people live different lives. Nobody would say that the Mayor of Beijing is more or less Chinese than a taxi driver in Hefei, but their lives are quite different. A restaurant chef in 通化 Tonghua (NE China) and a software engineer in 貴陽 Guiyang would both say they are Chinese, even though their lives and their environments are not at all similar. You can be both Hokkienese and Chinese, just as you can be both a Liverpudlian and English, feel allegiance both to your Wolof origins and your country Senegal. They are not mutually exclusive.

There is a small number of ethnic minorities from SW China in Taiwan: Jingpo, Wa, Lahu, and so forth. By DNA and cultural and linguistic background, they are not Han Chinese, but I dare you to tell them to their faces that they are not Chinese! I don’t recommend it.

I believe that the most disastrous trend in Taiwan in the last generation was to place politics, and party loyalty, above culture. If you want to preach independence for Taiwan, fine, do your best, but do not sacrifice your glorious cultural heritage for political benefit.

But because of political benefit, in Taiwan a lot of issues are obfuscated. In short, the DNA of about 97% of the people in Taiwan is Han Chinese, but that doesn’t matter one way or the other. Taiwan is a good example of a living, robust Chinese culture, but to continue to grow and to thrive, the roots and riches of the culture have to be recognized and embraced.

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