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Security FYI
KT Lai

Be very wary of emails from unknown senders, especially those sent from free email providers like Gmail or Hotmail.


By replying to or clicking on web links in these unverified emails, you may be

-        tricked to visit a bogus site that asks for your personal information (an example), or worse

-        download malicious programs onto your PC in the background without your knowledge to steal corporate information (an example).


How To Protect Yourself – 3 Simple Steps

1.      If you don’t recognise the person or email address, ignore or delete the message.

2.      Even if you recognise the person or email address but is suspicious of the email content or web link, call the person to verify that he/she has sent the email.

3.      If you cannot contact the person (e.g. sender lives overseas), you can verify the safety of the web link in the email by copying and pasting the link into the following websites.  They will inform you whether it is safe to click on the link:

a.       https://www.virustotal.com/en/#url

b.       http://www.phishtank.com/index.php

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