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iPhone 5S在1991年能賣多少錢?
Sidddney Chen
The learning curve of IC component cost downward is too fast... (thus the job for IC kind of business is not really that profitable - judging by the ROI)

This may make you who spent over US$600 for your iPhone 5S feel a little bit better..:-)
Those who do do not buy (or use) smart phone may be the most smart who actually saves a lot of time.
摩爾定律在現階段仍然適用,你能想像一部iPhone 5S在20年前的成本是多少麼?
Tech Policy Daily近日進行了一個粗略估計,他們發現,在1991年,要得到一個參數完全相同的iPhone 5S(32GB版)至少需要356萬美元。當然,在當時的科技水平下是無法實現的。
在1991年,1GB硬盤存儲顆粒的成本在10000美元左右(如今只有0.04美元),而1GB高速閃存顆粒的成本更是高達45000美元。按32GB算,iPhone 5S的機身存儲芯片在當時就需要花費45000X32=144萬美元。
iPhone 5S採用了A7處理器,主頻1.3GHz,MIPS值(每秒可完成的百萬指令)達到20500。作為對比,在1991年,Intel最強的80486SX的MIPS值僅為16.5。當時每個MIPS的成本大約為30美元,因此A7處理器的成本將達到30X20500=62萬美元。
在1991年,1.44Mbps的網絡寬帶每月的費用達到1000美元,流動通信成本更是高的離譜,1Kbps的成本就高達100美元。現在iPhone的LTE網絡可達15Mbps,如此算來,iPhone 5S的通信模塊的成本要花費100X15000=150萬美元。
144+62+150=356萬美元,以上僅僅考慮了存儲、處理器和通信等最基本的成本,如若加上螢幕、鏡頭、傳感器等等配置,成本就大了去了。可以YY在當時如果真的搞出一個參數同iPhone 5S一致的設備,其體積是多麼的龐大。由此不由的感嘆,IT技術的發展真的可以用日新月異來形容呀!

An iPhone Back In 1991 Would Have Cost At Least $3.56 Million


decades ago. For those who grew up in the 1990s you guys probably remember that computers cost a bomb back then, and that owning a computer was truly a luxury (it still is in certain parts of the world). Laptops would be crazy expensive and people would pay hundreds, if not thousands of dollars for additional storage which can now be had for $10-$20. That being said, have you ever wondered how much an iPhone would have cost you back in 1991? Well according to Bret Swanson at Tech Policy Daily, he has estimated that an iPhone back in 1991 would have cost at least an eye-watering $3.56 million! Yikes!
According to Swanson’s breakdown, the A7 chip would have cost $620,000, the flash memory of 32GB $1.44 million, and the 15Mbps data connection at $1.5 million. “Considering only memory, processing, and broadband communications power, duplicating the iPhone back in 1991 would have (very roughly) cost: $1.44 million + $620,000 + $1.5 million = $3.56 million.” Of course this doesn’t take into consideration things like the Touch ID sensor found in the iPhone 5s, the display, the touchscreen technology, the camera, and etc., but with 3 components coming in at $3.56 million already, we’d hate to think how much the final product would cost.
This article was filed in Homepage > Uncategorized and was tagged with iPhone. The story was spotted on cultofmac  
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