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They Want Their Gold Back
Sidddney Chen
黃金存放在美國的國家 ( 中, 德 , 還有無數的 ) 都想要回, 因

Texas, Germany, China All Want Their Gold Back

By Christina Sarich
When you lose faith in the Federal Reserve, otherwise known as the central bank, or simply, a cabal house of cards, you might ask for proof of your investment. You may even ask for it back. It is not unlike going to check on your belongings in a safety deposit box at your own financial institution. If you showed up to check on your goodies and your grandmother’s priceless pearl necklace or some gold eagle coins weren’t there anymore, you’d likely throw a bit of a fit. China, Texas, and Germany are just a few of the investors in New York Federal Reserve gold, asking where theFeds put their cheese.
Last year, around this time, Texas decided they wanted their gold back. It isn’t the first time the idea was presented to voters, but it had some strong backing. The momentum behind a bill that would establish the Texas Bullion Depository, a secure state-based bank to house $1 billion worth of gold bars owned by the University of Texas Investment Management Company, or UTIMCO, was stalled, but the idea is gaining new traction.
This $1 billion worth of gold is currently supposed to be stored at the Federal Reserve Bank in bunkers under ground. Texans wanted their gold on their own turf and there was even talk of building their own Ft. Knox to guard it.
Germany also wants their gold back. They asked for 300 tons of their gold from the New York Fed, but they were told they couldn’t have it for seven years, even though the total they were asking for, compared to what the Fed is supposed to have under guard is miniscule – under 5% of its total holdings. Germany is baffled by the disappearance of their gold bullion. You can’t even audit the Federal Reserve.
The Federal Reserve It is one of the most secretive agencies in the world, and it has likely either sold off the country’s assets, used it to create more debt via loans, or simply hidden it away for their own use. Proof – Goldman Sachs was caught selling gold certificates for gold bars that didn’t exist while telling investors to ‘sell gold short.’
The Chinese are no different. They don’t want dollars anymore. They want gold. They have lost trust in the ability of the American government to repay their astronomical debts, which they are heavily invested in. Just last month they sold off more than $50 billion in US Treasury – paper money, with no soul.  Japan is following suit and so are other countries holding American dollars.
It looks like people just might be able to milk the fiat system and return our money supply to the more balanced gold or silver-backed coinage that once actually stood for something, not manipulated interest rates, banking executives’ paychecks, and the fleecing of entire nations around the world.
This article was published at NationofChange at: http://www.nationofchange.org/texas-germany-china-all-want-their-gold-back-1394805234


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