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New Silk Road 新絲綢之路(1)
Sidddney Chen
If you are interested in learning Chinese culture and history as well as world history of the Silk Road time, you may be interested in watching the following 10 parts of the videos entitled 'The New Silk Road'. I hope you would. This production was co-produced by the Chinese and the Japanese in a joint venture to further expand the production entitled 'The Silk Road' 26 years ago. Each part takes about 46 minutes to view. If you were to watch one each day, it would take you 10 days to complete. ck
26 年前中日合拍的《絲綢之路》曾經在國內外引起過很大的反響。20 多年過去了,2005年兩電視台再次攜手,重走絲綢之路, 中日雙方共派出350 人的拍攝隊伍,深入敦煌、樓蘭、黑水城、喀什等10 個地點進行聯合拍攝。" 展現了很多我國在絲綢之路上新的探索發現,比如對於絲綢之路上人類遷徙歷史研究的新發現、小河墓地的考古發掘過程的紀錄。


-To be continued-

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