過去7年,我司每年平均捐出52%純利作慈善用途,款額動輒以百萬元計,可稱實 至名歸的社會企業。閣下光顧我司,是變相自己做善事!日後請多多光顧為感!
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Abe and Esther
Sidddney Chen
安倍與太太乘飛機前往澳洲 渡假途中    飛機故障要迫降,  機長預告乘客迫降無人荒島 (連地圖上都不存在) 可能永遠不被找到.
迫降後安倍問老婆信用卡的帳結了沒有, 太太說沒,  再問所得稅是否已寄支票給國稅局 ?
太太很抱歉忘記了. 安倍激動地給老婆一個甜吻, 道:
感恩感謝, 他們一定會找到我們.  (落難也不會放過)
Abe and Esther are flying to Australia for a two-week vacation
to celebrate their 50th anniversary. 

Suddenly, over the public address system, the Captain announces,
"Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm afraid I have some very bad news...
Our engines have ceased functioning and we will attempt an
emergency landing. Luckily, I see an uncharted island below
Us and we should be able to land on the beach. However, the
odds are that we may never be rescued and will have to live on
the island for the rest of our lives!" 

Thanks to the skill of the flight crew, the plane lands safely on the island. 

An hour later Abe turns to his wife and asks, "Esther, did we pay our
VISA and MasterCard bills yet?" 

"No, sweetheart," she responds. 

Abe, still shaken from the crash landing, then asks, "Esther,
did we pay our American Express card yet?" 

"Oh, no! I'm sorry. I forgot to send the check," she says. 

"One last thing Esther. Did you remember to send the estimated earnings
check to the IRS this quarter?" he asks. 

"Oh, forgive me, Abe," begged Esther. "I didn't send that one, either." 

Abe grabs her and gives her the biggest kiss in 40 years. 

Esther pulls away and asks him, "What was that for?" 

Abe answers, "They'll find us!"
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