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香港諾亞方舟 Noah's Ark in HK
Sidddney Chen
The Noah's Ark Theme Park, complete with fiberglass animals,
sits in front of the Tsing Ma Bridge in Hong Kong

The tourists go in two-by-two:
Biblical scale: The Ark in Hong Kong measures 450 ft. long and 75 ft. wide
Water sight: The Ark also boasts less authentic Biblical Touches
Such as double-glazed windows and a Fine Dining Restaurant
The Billionaire Brothers who Built the Ark in Hong Kong
Claim it is the Only Full-Scale Version in the World.

And the imaginative trio even attempted to give the giant boat
an air of authenticity by placing 67 pairs of animals at the entrance,
Just like the pairs of creatures saved from the Great Flood by Noah in the Bible Story.
The Creationist-Inspired Vessel forms part of a theme park
near Hong Kong which was Inspired by a young girl's
Scrawled Drawing of the Mammoth Boat.

Architects appear to have used some artistic license in parts
of the Ark - for instance including double-glazed windows, a
fine dining restaurant and luxurious bedrooms.

Inside, real-life exotic animals can be found - including a nautilus, a toucan and reams of fish.
All lit up: The Ark shines under Hong Kong's lights as a

Fiberglass Giraffe stands guard near the entrance. 
Authentic: Various fiberglass animals stand outside the Ark
to mimic the Bible tale where Noah took creatures on board the vessel.

The Noah's Ark Theme Park is now run by several Christian
organizations, who use it to promote peace and unity.
Matthew Pine, manager of Noah's Ark Theme Park, said:
'They had a vision to do something remarkable, something
outstanding. 'They came up with many ideas.
Some of themwere really outrageous!'

'But then they came across this girl's drawing, and knew it
would be something do-able that captured imaginations.
'So they hired architects and engineers to create the replica, Noah's Ark. '
Food for thought: The Ark also includes a sophisticated-looking Restaurant
as one of its on-board attractions
Bed for the night: Guests on board Noah's Ark can also stay
on the Biblical vessel in one of its luxurious hotel-style rooms.
Land-bound: The Hong Kong-based Noah's Ark theme park
was built in 2009 and is popular among tourists.

Matthew added: 'The reason we chose that moment in the
Bible's story is because this is the message we want to bring
to Hong Kong, to China, to the world.

'In our lives we always face floods, we will face trials, we will
face difficulties. Hopefully Noah's Ark will inspire people to
pass through those troubles as Noah did in his day.'

The Ark opened in May 2009, 17 years after plans
were first made for the enormous structure.
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