過去7年,我司每年平均捐出52%純利作慈善用途,款額動輒以百萬元計,可稱實 至名歸的社會企業。閣下光顧我司,是變相自己做善事!日後請多多光顧為感!
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尖沙咀總行 : 2569 2192
太古城華山分行 : 2569 1339
沙田第一城專責組 : 2647 1838
沙田銀禧分行 : 2636 1380
太古城明宮分行 : 2560 3738
杏花邨專責組 : 2898 0007
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Watch "CNN Goldman Sachs & the Zio Matrix" on YouTube
Frank Lai
This video reveals how the Zionist Matrix of Power controls Media, Politics and Banking and how each Part of this Tribalist matrix supports and protects each other!

The documentary shows how the media is biased for Zionist interests in Palestine and over the world.

A great segment exposes the bosses of CNN and thelong-time Zionist agent Wolf Blitzer who I exposed during an interview as not an unbiased newsman but a former agent for AIPAC!

This documentary video is the first public expose' that the same Zio who is the biggest stockholder of the mega Zio media corporation Time Warner, was the biggest stockholder also of Goldman Sachs at the time of the mortgage meltdown. It shows how the biggest economic theft in history, that by Goldman Sachs in the Mortgage meltdown, was covered up by Zio Government regulators, a Zio Prosecutor, Zio Federal Judge, and the Zio influence in media and government.

A great that video that shows clearly how some of the Jewish elite practices racism and tribalism to advance their supremacist agenda.

More information is at www.DavidDuke.com

CNN Goldman Sachs & the Zio Matrix: http://youtu.be/Zw9EhjyU3JU
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