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世界之最 Topping the list (1)
Sidddney Chen
Just in case you were wondering……………….
The world's hottest place: Death Valley National Park
The highest air temperature ever recorded on Earth was 134 degrees Fahrenheit, at Death Valley National Park on July 10, 1913.
最熱  美國死谷國家公園     華氏 134 度   攝氏 56 度
The world's coldest place: East Antarctic Plateau
On the high ridge of the East Antarctic Plateau, the temperature can drop to as low as -135.8 degrees Fahrenheit,
recorded in August, 2010.  最冷 南極 東平原  -57 度C
World's most populated city: Shanghai
At a whopping 24,150,000 permanent inhabitants, Shanghai is the single city that is home to the most people in the world.     
城市人口最眾 :  上海   兩千四百萬
World's least populated city: Vatican City
With a paltry population of 842, the city-state of Vatican City is the smallest city and state in the world.
城市人口最稀   :  樊帝崗 只有 842人 
World's wealthiest city: Tokyo
That tower might as well be made of gold, since Tokyo tops the charts with a GDP of $1,520 billion
(only beating New York by a mere $310 billion).
國民生產值最高都市 :  東京  15200 億美元  比紐約多 3100 億 
World's poorest city: Kinshasa
Kinshasa is probably the poorest city in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the poorest country in the world, at a GDP of $55 billion. Many of its residents live on less $1 a day.
最貧都市在剛果民主共和國   金沙薩市   GDP 為 550 億   每戶人家靠一美元一天過活
Highest point in the world: Mount Everest
Towering 29,029 feet in the air, the top of Mount Everest is the closest you can get to touching space, while still standing on Earth.
最高山峰   珠穆郎瑪峰    29029 英使尺海拔 
Lowest point in the world: Challenger Deep
The lowest known natural point in the world is Challenger Deep, 35,797 ft below sea level at the bottom of the Mariana Trench.
Only three people have ever made it to the bottom, one of which was filmmaker James Cameron.
海深之最在太平洋  菲律賓以東 的 瑪莉安納溝    深 35797  英尺
只有三人潛到過  其一為製片家 James Cameron 
Most photographed place: The Guggenheim
Photos have always told stories, but in today's world of cell phone cameras and social media, that story is relayed as data to companies who monitor everything we do. Geotagged data was culled by Sightsmap using a Google-based image sharing software, and can now show us the most photographed places in the world, right down to the landmark. The Winner? The Guggenheim in New York.
景點被拍照次數最多者 :  紐約的古根漢 美術館   利用谷歌實地照相數據統計出.
The world's most popular country: Germany
The results of the annual BBC World Country Rating Poll are in, and Germany came out on top as the most positively viewed country in the world among people probably under the age of 85 (at a 59% positivity rating).
最認同與受歡迎國家 :  BBC 民調 出 德國 .
The wettest spot on Earth: Mawsynram, India
Rainwise, anyway. In Mawsynram, India, it rains an average of 467.35 inches per year, and with a record of 1000 inches in 1985.
雨量最高是印度 Mawsynram 離孟加拉 不遠     每年平均 467 英吋   1985 還計錄到年雨量  1000 吋
居民屋頂要鋪隔音層   否則受不了雨聲
The driest spot on Earth: The Atacama Desert
The 600 miles of South America's Atacama desert is the driest place on Earth, no contest.
The Desert sees an average of 4 inches of rain every thousand years. Yes, you read that right.
雨量最少算男美洲的 Atacama 沙漠   年雨量四英寸
Sunniest Place on Earth: Yuma, Arizona
In Yuma, Arizona, the sun shines for an average of 11 hours a day. Its forecast is sun for 90 percent of the year,
averaging a total of 4015 daylight hours a year.
日照最長位於美國亞里桑納州玉馬市  每天 11 小時的太陽  
Most expensive city to live in: Singapore
The new champion of the world, Singapore has recently beat out Tokyo for the title of "most expensive city" for 2014.
Cars can cost between 4-6 times in Singapore what they cost in the US or UK (for example, a Toyota Prius actually
costs about $150,000.00 there).
居住最昂貴城市是新加坡   買一部車是美國價位的五倍   房地產價位已超越東京
Least expensive city to live in: Mumbai, India
At the other end of the spectrum, Mumbai, India, is the cheapest place to live in the world, according to the Worldwide Cost of Living Index 2014. For some perspective, a loaf of bread that would cost $3.36 in Singapore, would only cost $0.91 in Mumbai.
Country that consumes the most food: United States
I suppose there must be a reason why Americans have a food-related reputation when it comes to other countries:
we eat an average of 3,770 calories a day each.
消耗食物最多 :美國    每人每天吞下 3770 卡路里
The world's oldest city: Damascus
There's quite a bit of controversy over which city gets to officially claim the title of "oldest continuously inhabited city."
With evidence of civilization that extends back over 11,000 years, Damascus in Syria is probably the safest bet.
Youngest country in the world: South Sudan
The people of South Sudan were formally recognized as an independent country in 2011, making it the youngest country
in the world to-date.
最年青國是成立於 2011 的南蘇丹
The world's most visited city: London
After a several-year bout with Bangkok, London has regained its place as the world's most visited city
(according to MasterCard's 2014 Global Destinations City Index). The city sees about 18.69 million
international visitors annually, generating $19.3 billion in revenue.
來訪最多人的都市, 倫敦再次從曼谷奪回寶座   一年一千八百萬旅客帶來可觀的收益.
The world's least popular country: Iran
On that same rating scale, Iran has come in dead last (at a 59% negativity rating).
Only 15% of people polled viewed Iran in a positive light.
最不受歡迎國 , 被訪者只有 15% 看好 :  伊朗
- To be continued -
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