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沙田銀禧分行 : 2636 1380
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沙田第一城專責組 : 2647 1838
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尖沙咀總行 : 2569 2192
太古城華山分行 : 2569 1339
沙田第一城專責組 : 2647 1838
沙田銀禧分行 : 2636 1380
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杏花邨專責組 : 2898 0007
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世界之最 Topping the list (2)
Sidddney Chen
The world's most dangerous city: San Pedro Sula, Honduras
In San Pedro Sula, Honduras, there are over 3 murders a day.
The violence stems from the city's role as a major hub for illegal drug and arms trafficking.
最危險城市 :  洪都拉斯的 聖皮德魯蘇拉  每天三宗謀殺案   皆因它是毒販 槍販的聚散地
Most caffeinated country in the world: Sweden
The coffee in Sweden will put a spring in your step, and hair on your tongue. The Swedes consume
an average of 388 mg of caffeine in coffee per person, per day (that's almost 5 Red Bulls). 
咖啡因最多是瑞典  平均每天每人喝下 388 毫克咖啡因   那是五罐 紅牛
Most drunken country in the world: Belarus
In Belarus, each person above the age of 15 drinks an average of 4.62 gallons of alcohol every year.
白俄羅斯有醉客之最  平均每年每人飲 4.62 加侖 的酒精
The most bicycle friendly city in the world: Groningen, Netherlands
By comparing cities along the criterion of average number of bicycle trips made daily, one city reigns supreme:
Groningen in the Netherlands. In Groningen about 50 percent of the population commute via bike daily, making
it the city with the greatest proportion of cyclists on the planet.
自行車最多要數 荷蘭 歌寧根市   一半人口騎車
World's most energy efficient city: Reykjavik, Iceland
All of the energy and heat used by the citizens of Reykjavik Iceland come from geothermal plants and renewable hydropower,
making it the most sustainable and energy efficient city in the world. On their mission to be completely free of fossil fuels by 2050,
the city has also been replacing traditional buses with hydrogen-fueled buses, from which the only emissions are water.
能源使用效率最高  冰島 首都 雷雅維克  
熱能全來自地下溫泉  電能來自水力, 計劃 2050完全不用石油
Most cat friendly country: United States
With a pet cat population of 76.43 million feline friends, the United States dominates the world stage
for most cat friendly country in the world.寵物貓之最 :  美國
Most dog friendly country: United States
Similarly, America more than doubles the amount of pet dogs any other country has, with a dog population of 61.1 million.     
寵物狗  也是美國
Most sexually satisfied country: Switzerland
Switzerland might just be the most progressive and least sexually repressed country in the world.
Between liberal views on pornography and prostitution, and sex ed that starts in Kindergarten,
over a fifth of the population consider their sex-lives "excellent." They even recently opened up a
very successful array of tax-funded drive-in sex boxes in Zurich. Bonus, in spite of all this,
Switzerland also holds the title as one of the lowest teen birth rates in the world.
性開放與滿意國之最 :  瑞士 
幼稚園就開始性教育  性娛樂到處氾濫     但是它也是未成年懷孕率最低國家
Least sexually satisfied country: Japan
With its extreme conservatism, Japan is the country with the least sexual satisfaction, as only 15% of individuals
reported having a fulfilling sex life. Furthermore, over 45% of Japanese women report being either uninterested in,
or actually despising, sexual contact
性滿意度最低 :  日本   尤其女性 
Most emotional country in the world: Philippines
Polling citizens in 150 countries over the years of 2009-2011, researchers found that the people of the Philippines
were the most likely to respond emotionally to simple questions about their day.
感情最豐富國 :  菲律賓
Least emotional country in the world: Singapore 
That same study revealed that Singaporeans experience the least emotion on the day-to-day.
Only 3 out of every 10 reported having any emotional reactions to basic scenarios or when describing their days.
感情最冷漠 : 新加坡
Country with the longest life expectancy in the world: Monaco
According to the World Health Organization's study from 2013, Monaco tops the charts for longest living citizens, with an
average life expectancy of 87.2 years. Men in Monaco live an average 85.3 years, and women live to an average of 89 years.
最長壽 :  摩納哥   均壽 87 歲 
Country with the shortest life expectancy: Sierra Leone
On the other side of that coin, the population of Sierra Leone live to an average of 47 years.
The men of Sierra Leone live to an average of 47 years old, whereas women live an average of 48 years.
最短命人類 在非洲 賽拉利昂    47 歲
Sexiest country in the world: Brazil and Australia 
There will always be a debate about which countries are home to the most attractive people, in part because who's to say what is
objectively attractive? Though the means are hardly scientific, a recent poll found quite a disparity between which countries men
believe are the sexiest, and which countries women find the sexiest. For men, Brazil tops the charts for the most attractive people.
For women, it's about the thunder down under in Australia.
最富性感吸引力國家 :  澳大利亞與巴西  
Most stressed-out country in the world: Nigeria
By looking at the dimensions of Homicide Rate, GDP per capita, Income inequality, Corruption, and Unemployment,
one thing is clear: Nigeria is hands-down the most stressed out country in the world.
最受精神壓力迫害國 :  非洲 尼日利亞
Least stressed-out country in the world: Norway
Along the same dimensions, Norway was at the far-end of the other side of the spectrum,
and is deemed the least stressed-out country in the world.
最不受壓國家    挪威
Country with the highest average IQ: Hong Kong*
There are a lot of factors that can affect an IQ score, ranging from national and personal wealth to simply who makes the test.
As a result, these findings are highly controversial, but seem to suggest that Hong Kong is the country* with the highest IQ,
at an average of 107 points. 
*Hong Kong is a special administrative region of China meaning that it falls within the sovereignty of the People's Republic
of China, yet does not form part of Mainland China, and has it's own government.
平均智商最高是 :  香港
Country with the lowest average IQ: Equatorial Guinea
According to "IQ and the Wealth of Nations," Equatorial Guinea caps the low end of the global IQ range,
with a national average of 59 points.
智商最低國 :  南美 厄瓜多爾
World's most well-connected city (for internet): Seoul, South Korea 
Surprisingly, despite it's 618 million internet users spending an average of 18.7 hours a week surfing the net,
China didn't even make the top 10. Along the dimensions of average connection speed, availability
(weighted towards free access), openness to innovation, support of public data, and privacy/security,
Seoul in South Korea is the champion of internet-connectedness. With 10,000 government supported free
WiFi spots dotting the city, and an internet speed that goes unchallenged globally, Seoul is an internet
互聯網最密集並暢通者  南韓莫屬    政府到處提供免費 Wifi

- The end - 

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