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3200 yrs in one photo
Stella Tse

(This is in the Redwood forest in California and was named after President Warren G. Harding in 1923)

3200 Years in One Photo


It takes a special kind of tree to have a nickname.


Not every tree has a nickname, but 'The President' has earned it. This giant sequoia stands at 247 feet tall, and is estimated to be over 3,200 years old. Imagine, this tree was already 1200 years old when Jesus walked the earth.


The trunk of the president measures at 27 feet across, with 2 BILLION needles from base to top.


Because of its unbelievable size, this tree has never been photographed in its entirety. Until now. A team of national geographic photographers have worked along with scientists to try and create the first photo that shows the president in all its glory.


They had to climb the tree with pulleys and levers, and took thousands of photos.


Of those, they selected 126 and stitched them together, to get this incredbile portrait of the president.


And here it is:

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