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歷史一刻 Historic Moments(1)
Sidddney Chen
The traffic jam at the Brandenburg Gate as East and West Germans cross freely on the first Saturday after the fall of the Berlin Wall. [November, 1989] 柏林圍牆倒後第一個週末的塞車
A photograph taken by Scott’s British Antarctic Expedition to the South Pole, before they perished on their return journey. [1910]
英國到南極探險隊出發前所攝. 回程他們都遇難 
Fidel Castro enjoying ice cream during a visit to a US military camp. [1959]  古巴卡斯特羅造訪美軍事基地時吃冰淇淋 
The recording of the MGM Lion. [1929]  拍攝美高梅獅子吼招牌 
The models of “American Gothic” stand next to the painting  
The iceberg that is thought to have sunk the Titanic. Black and red paint is smeared along the side. [1912]  
使鐵達尼沉末的冰山 有紅與黑的油漆道痕 
The filming of Batman and Robin.   碥蝠俠拍攝中 
Wilbur Wright circles the Statue of Liberty in the Model A.
[29 September, 1909]   偉柏兄弟飛機首航 
Race organisers attempt to stop Kathrine Switzer from competing in the Boston Marathon. She became the first woman to finish the race. [1967] 運動會阻止思維茲參加馬拉松, 結果她成為首個女冠軍 
A Native American overlooks the newly completed Transcontinental railroad. [1868]  1868 一美國人觀賞跨州鐵道 
反越戰黑人在美舉牌 :  沒有越南人叫我黑鬼 
The "Tank man" of Tiananmen on left.  天安門事件阻礙坦克車的勇士 (左) 
The aftermath of Victory over Japan Day in New York. [14 August, 1945]  紐約慶祝二戰結束的第二天 
The last few prisoners of Alcatraz leave as the prison is shut down for good. [1963]   最後一批囚犯離開魔鬼島監獄 
The Hollywood sign, shortly after it was installed. It originally read “Hollywoodland”. [1923]    以前好箂嗚 叫 Hollywoodland. 
German prisoners react to footage of concentration camps. [1945]  
德軍對他們集中營影片的反映 1945. 
Neil Armstrong photographed by Buzz Aldrin, shortly after walking on the moon. [1969]  阿姆斯壯月亮漫步後之照 
An injured survivor of the Hindenburg smokes as he is carried to safety. [6 May, 1937]   興登堡氣船爆炸後之倖存者在吸煙 
An over the shoulder view of JFK’s “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech. [1963] 甘迺迪在柏林演講的場面 
The only known photograph of Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg, before giving his famous address. [November 19, 1863]   林肯演講唯一珍照 
An East German guard passes a flower through a gap in the Berlin Wall on the morning it was torn down. [1989]  東德軍人在柏林圍牆倒前遞一朵花 
Three men run in the marathon at the first modern Olympic Games. [1896]   首次現代馬拉松的領先三人 
- To be continued -
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