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歷史一刻 Historic Moments(2)
Sidddney Chen
The Beatles during their shoot for Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. [1967]  批頭士參加孤獨的心俱樂部
Mourners climb telephone poles to get a view of Gandhi's funeral procession. [1948]   甘地出殯 
Enlisted men aboard an American ship hear the news of Japan’s surrender. [1945]  美軍聞日本投降 
Spectators standing upon couches, tables and chairs to to see the signing of the treaty of Versailles and the end of World War I. [1919]  
第一次大戰結束 爭相看條約的簽署 
The first ever underground train journey. Edgware Road Station, London. [1862]  第一個地下列車在倫敦 
The last known photo of the Titanic above water. [1912]  
鐵達尼啟航 最後一睹 
A photo taken in secret of the Supreme Court in session, one of only two ever taken. [1932]    高等法院偷拍的珍貴照 
A large crowd, made up of many African Americans, mourn the death of Abraham Lincoln outside the Courthouse in Vicksburg, Mississippi. [1865]   美國黑人默哀林肯之死 
Salvador Dali kisses the hand of Raquel Welch after finishing his famous portrait of her. [1965]  畫家撒爾瓦多達理 握拉寇兒微芝的手 
Crowds flock to the the first World Series Game in New York. [1912]
The very first Rockefeller Christmas Tree is revealed to the public. [1931]  紐約洛克菲勒廣場首次公開其聖誕樹 
View from the top on the opening day of the Empire State Building. [1931]    帝國大廈開幕 
Bird’s eye view of JFK’s funeral in the Capitol Building.
[November, 1963]   甘迺迪的白宮葬禮 
Iranian forces look out at the iconic view of burning oil fields set alight by Iraqi forces during the Gulf War. [1990] 伊拉克兵看油田被他們放火 
Abraham Lincoln and General George McClellan in the general's tent at Antietam [3 October, 1862]  
Traffic on the Golden Gate Bridge moments after it opened seen from atop one of the arches. [1937]  金門橋啟用第一刻 
The back of the Hoover Dam just before it was submerged and never seen again. [1936]  美國胡佛水壩背後, 注水前一刻, 之後再也看不到 
The unfinished Washington monument, abandoned after funds ran out and civil war broke out. 1857 - 75  華盛頓碑建一半因經費與內戰而擱置 
The photographs that inspired Norman Rockwell.
Jacqueline Kennedy backstage watching her husband during the first televised debate against Richard Nixon. [1960]  
甘乃迪與尼克森辯論時,  賈桂琳在後台偷撇 
Massive crowds gather for Woodstock. [1969]  
群眾集合在加州活士褟克坏萎靡音樂會 (嬉皮反戰)  
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