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German Wonderland in Miniature
Sidddney Chen
德國夢幻屋 :  開始兩兄弟建火車模型 , 後來不斷有個人團體加入, 以致空間需擴大,
      酒吧小吃店應運而生, 模型景觀有人生百態,各國風貌,來看看. 

Remember the two brothers, in Germany, who had a wonderful model railway that was something to see? This is an update for their German Wonderland. 

It is still not finished but is growing to that conclusion as they will soon run out of space. 
A short review. It was started by two brothers as a place to show their hobby and started growing by leaps & bounds. Soon they were joined by other 'Model Railroad Clubs' and other craftsmen. Some were electricians, model makers, carpenters, and computer programmers. Their wives would stop by to see what they were doing and usually bring them a lunch. 
One thing led to another. Three of the ladies had worked at a bakery. Several visitors would ask if they had a snack bar. The Idea was planted; some of the carpenters came and built a nice restaurant area for the bakery and a kitchen too. If the fresh coffee smell didn't get you - then the bakery definitely would. 
This was about 5 years ago. One of the breweries came and furnished all of the tables and chairs, serving counter, etc.  
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