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Sky Diving at Zhangjiajie (China)
KT Lai
A wingsuit pilot has taken the sport of sky diving to new heights after hurtling through a narrow slit in a mountainside.

Jeb Corliss launched himself from a helicopter at 6,000ft on Sep. 24, 2011 zooming through the air at 75mph towards the imposing Tianmen mountain in Hunan Province, China.

The stuntman's wingsuit, which has thin membranes between the limbs and torso, allowed the 35-year-old to glide through the air while losing altitude gradually instead of plummeting directly towards Earth.

Tight squeeze: spectators watch as Jeb Corliss hurtles though the mountain's natural arch hundreds of feet in the air.

He was able to travel for two-thirds of a mile - and through the 4,265ft mountain's natural archway - before releasing his parachute and descending gently to the ground. The arch measures less than 100ft across and left the daredevil with little.
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