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猶如今天 Feels like the first time
Sidddney Chen
The first public showing of the bikini, Paris. [1946] 第一次在巴黎展示比堅尼 1946 
The earliest photo of Abraham Lincoln. [1840] 林肯 
The first photo of The Beatles with Ringo Starr as the drummer. [August 22, 1962] 批頭四的鼓手瑞哥 Ringo 
The first McDonald'srestaurant in San Bernardino. [1948] 第一家麥當勞在洛杉磯 
The first public Jewish religious service in Germany since the advent of Hitler held by American troops during the battle of Aachen. [1944] 美軍抵抗納粹德軍 1944 才有機會舉行第一次猶太教的教會 
Jimi Hendrix burning his guitar for the first time. [1967] 美國吉他手 Jimi Hendrix 燒其吉他 
Jim Henson creating his first Kermit puppet. [1950s] 芝麻街創者 1950 面世 
The Wright brothers' first flight. The photo was taken so that people would believe them. [1903]  
萊特兄弟飛機首航拍照, 否則無人信 
Glenn Burke and Dusty Baker, of the LA Dodgers, perform what it believed to be the first high-five. [2 October, 1977] 洛杉磯棒球隊打出首次的所謂五高 
Henry Ford poses on the first car he built, the Ford Quadricycle. [1896] 亨利福特第一部四輪車 
Hannah Stilley, born 1746, photographed in 1840. She is the earliest born individual captured on film. 哈娜生於 1746, 照片為 1840 所照, 成為世界第一個被照的人類 
Leola N. King, America's first female traffic cop. [1918] 美國首位女交警 - 1918 
The world's first underwater photo. [1893] 1893 攝取第一張海底照 
Sally Halterman, the first woman granted a license to operate a motorcycle in Washington, D.C. [1937] 首位或得機車駕照的女人 
The first photo taken from space. A V2 rocket was launched straight up, with the film protected in a steel case. [1946] 首個太空照片是由二戰德軍的 V2 火箭所拍 
Howard Carter flanked by assistants as they view the sarcophagus of Egyptian King Tutankhamen for the first time in thousands of years, Egypt. [3 January, 1924] 1924 首次拍得埃及王者的石棺 
The first known photograph of a Presidential inauguration, taken in 1857 at the swearing in of James Buchanan. 美總統 1857 的宣誓就職 
Recipient of the world's first human heart transplant, Louis Washkansky, in Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town, three days after the surgery. [6 December 1967] 南非首位接受心臟移植並人,  手術後第三天 
Minneapolis women lining up to vote for the first time in a presidential election. [1920]
1920 美國女人首次有資格去選總統投票 
The first and only picture taken from the surface of Venus. [1982] 1982 所拍到的金星, 從此以後再沒拍了 
The first team photo in baseball history. [1858] 棒球隊有史以來第一張照片 
Madam C.J. Walker. The first woman in America to become a millionaire by her own endeavors in "black" cosmetics. 首位黑女人經營 黑 女人專用化妝品致富為百萬富婆 
The first photograph ever taken. It shows the view outside of a window in Saint-Loup-de-Varennes, France. [1826] 第一張黑白照在法國 1826 
Photographs of the first modern Olympic Games, Athens. [1896] 希臘雅典第一屆現代奧林匹克 
Otto Lilienthal becoming the first person to make a successful glider flight. [1894] 第一個滑翔人 
Annie Edson Taylor, the first person to survive going over the Niagara Falls in a barrel on her 63rd birthday. [1901] 安妮 63 歲躦進木桶滾下尼加拉瓜瀑布, 成為第一女偉人 
Construction of the worlds first Ferris wheel for the Chicago world's fair. [1893]
第一座摩天輪用在芝加哥博覽會 1893 
ENIAC, the worlds first computer. [1940] 第一個電腦 
Installing the first neon sign on the Las Vegas Strip. [1941] 第一個尼虹燈裝在維加斯賭城 
Sputnik 1, the first satellite, being launched into orbit by the Soviet Union. [1957]
The first riders of New York City's first subway. [1904] 第一個地下鐵在紐約首航 
Bertha Benz, with the help of her two sons, became the first person to drive an automobile over a long distance - 66 miles. [5 August, 1888] 首位駕車女士由兒子幫忙, 終於完成 66英里的距離 
Queen Elizabeth II giving her first televised Christmas address. [1957]
Ruby Bridges becomes the first African American to attend an all-white elementary school in the South. She was followed everywhere by US Marshals because of threats on her life. [1960]   
首位黑人學生獲准入讀白人學校,  需由警長保護 
The very first Rockefeller Center Christmas tree. [1931] 洛克飛勒中心第一顆聖誕樹 
The first bananas arrive in Norway. [1905] 挪威首次進口香蕉 
The first wheelie ever photographed. [1936] 第一個翹車表演 
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