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Most stunning photos (1)
Sidddney Chen

Even now, this planet is so full of beautiful sights.


A seahorse inspects a diver's watch 海馬觀錶


An illuminated snow tunnel in Russia 俄羅斯的雪隧道 

Everybody was kung fu fighting 大家來練功 
The honeybee’s final sting 蜜蜂最後的一刺 

Street artist Sainer goes big in Poland 街頭畫在波蘭 


Mount Rainier casting a shadow on clouds (Rainier山投影在雲上) 


First contact 首次見面 


The Irish Sky Garden crater 愛爾蘭天空花園 


Moon bridge in Dahu Park, Taipei 台北內湖大湖月拱橋 


Flight of the devil rays 魔鬼魚群移 


Gasadalur Village in the Faroe Islands 法魯島村莊(丹麥) 


World’s edge 世界邊緣 


The Capilano suspension bridge in Vancouver 溫哥華吊橋 


Fractal patterns in dried out desert rivers 河床乾枯留下支流狀 


Meditating monks at Pongour Falls 越南瀑布的冥想橧人 


A sunset eclipse 日落又日蝕 


Bora Bora from space 太平洋玻啦玻啦島從高空看 


The largest raft of canoes and kayaks in the world 獨木舟聚集之最 


Adaptive roots in the concrete jungle 盤根的適應性 


The Hamilton Pool Nature Preserve 美國德州含美頓塘自然保護區 


Above the canopy 為爭贏陽光力爭上游 


Colliding rivers in Geneva, Switzerland 瑞士兩河相遇, 因水密度不同而河水不犯井水 


The stunning green vine snake 綠籐蛇是扁的 


Aurora australis (southern lights) from space 從太空看澳大利亞的極光() 

- To be continued - 
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