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Most stunning photos (2)
Sidddney Chen
Mount Kilimanjaro from above 非洲克禮滿扎羅火山
The amazing strength of an ant 螞蟻不可思議的力氣 
Yarn bombing a bus in Mexico City 墨西哥的紗包巴士 
Felix Baumgartner jumps from 71,580 feet 太空人從七萬呎的無重狀況準備一躍 
The most incredible aurora 極光之最 
The Waterfall Island at Iguazu Falls 巴西阿根廷之間的伊瓜蘇瀑布 
Overgrown railroad tracks in the forest 鐵路被覆蓋 
A pod of sleeping sperm whales 抹香鯨在睡覺 
7 hours in one image 七小時內的變化 
Pixel people perfection 用人排的圖案 
Galactic monsoon 宇宙性季風 
Striking artistry of multiple takeoffs at Hannover Airport 漢挪威機場拍下的連續起飛照 
Sailing like a boss 像Boss的航行 
A sea of purple in the badlands of Utah 美國猶他州的廢地紫色植物 
Putting the size of a whale in perspective 鯨魚如此大 
Meanwhile in Switzerland 瑞士湖邊的冷風吹成的 
One boat and 145 water-skiers 一船拖 145人 
Salar de Uyuni after some rain 南美玻利維亞的雨後湖景 
Outdoor jacuzzi on the Matterhorn 馬特宏峰居然有溫泉 
The precious blue marble 我們藍色的家園 
Maelstrom at Kauai, Hawaii 夏威夷的旋渦 
Capsized cruise ship Costa Concordia from space 高空看當年翻船的Concordia(意大利) 
Serenity now 現在很寧靜 
Seal LOL (yawning) 海豹大笑(打瞌睡) 
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